I could not be more excited and grateful to start my full-time MBA classes within the Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) specialization. Already, our small but extraordinary group has had a fantastic start to the new year. On September 6th, my classmates and I had a formalized opportunity to meet with several local alumni who have been highly successful in their chosen RMI career fields. During our lunch meeting, we introduced ourselves and then heard from each alum as they gave great insight into the type of work they were involved in. It was particularly interesting to hear about the different specializations within the broader RMI field as they related to the diverse experiences among these individuals.

Following lunch, the second-year RMI students were able to join us, and we had the opportunity to share some information about ourselves including professional backgrounds, summer internship experiences, and some fun personal facts. The RMI MBA cohort is a relatively small group that affords us the opportunity to get to know each other in a unique and personalized setting. I think this will be extremely valuable during the school year as we discuss topics and trends within the RMI industry.
Our last event in Grainger consisted of an introductory meeting with the RMI faculty during which I got a sense for the vast knowledge and expertise within our specialization. Specifically, each professor highlighted how their experience and course offerings fit into the wide array of prominent RMI functions such as Sustainability Risk Management, Cyber Risk, and Risk Financing, to name a few. I am looking forward to learning all I can from my RMI professors, some of whom I am currently taking classes with this semester. We concluded the day’s events with a networking hour at the Memorial Union Terrace, a fitting location to enjoy the last few days of the summer weather, reflect on the upcoming year, and get to know classmates and faculty in a more relaxed setting.
Having little prior experience in RMI before arriving at the Wisconsin School of Business, I found our academic year kick-off to be particularly beneficial. Special thank you to Professor Joan Schmit, the faculty, and the alumni who took time out of their busy days to meet the students and welcome us to Madison!