Featured Publications
Wang, N., & Li, Z.
Channel Structures for a Dual-Purpose Firm: Direct, Retail, or Hybrid?.
Production and Operations Management
Guo, X., Gong, J., & Pang, M.
Creation or Destruction? STEM OPT Extension and Employment of Information Technology Professionals.
MIS Quarterly
(48), 715-730.
Pang, M., Kankanhalli, A., Aanestad, M., Ram, S., & Maruping, L.
Digital Technologies and the Advancement of Social Justice: A Framework and Agenda.
MIS Quarterly
(48), 1591-1601.
Zhang, L., Wattal, S., & Pang, M.
Does Sharing Make My Data More Insecure? An Empirical Study on Health Information Exchange and Data Breaches.
MIS Quarterly
(48), 873-898.
Mayya, R., & Li, Z.
Growing Platforms by Adding Complementors without A Contract.
Information Systems Research
Balakrishnan, M., Ferreira, K., & Tong, J.
Human-Algorithm Collaboration with Private Information: Naïve Advice Weighting Behavior and Mitigation.
Management Science
Long, X., & Wu, Y.
Newsvendor competition with endogenous biases.
Production and Operations Management
(33), 1552-1568.
Li, Z., & Wang, G.
On-Demand Delivery Platforms and Restaurant Sales.
Management Science
Babar, Y., & Burtch, G.
Recharging Retail: Estimating Consumer Demand Spillovers from Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
(26), 797-813.
Li, Z., & Wang, G.
Regulating Powerful Platforms: Evidence from Commission Fee Caps.
Information Systems Research
Babar, Y., Chan, J., & Choi, B.
“Run Forrest Run!”: Measuring the Impact of App-Enabled Performance and Social Feedback on Athletic and Usage Outcomes.
Production and Operations Management
Long, X., Sun, J., Dai, H., & Zhang, D.
The Choice Overload Effect in Online Recommender Systems.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Bavafa, H., & Jónasson, J.
The Distributional Impact of Fatigue on Performance.
Management Science
(70), 3319-3337.
Park, Y., Lee, Y., & Siemsen, E.
Two Heads are Better than One: Task Division and Decision Control in Inventory Planning.
Production and Operations Management
Long, X., & Gui, L.
Waste not want not? The environmental implications of quick response and upcycling.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
(26), 612-631.
Pang, M., Funk, R., & Hirschman, D.
We Fly Congress: Market Actions as Corporate Political Activity in the U.S. Airline Industry.
Organization Science
(35), 1521-1270.