Study Abroad Events
Explore Global Programs Events
Global Programs at the Wisconsin School of Business hosts events throughout the year, including discussions, workshops, and study abroad information sessions.
Who can attend?
All UW–Madison students interested in studying abroad through a WSB program are welcome. However, these events are geared toward pre-business students, business majors, Certificate in Business students, and Certificate in Entrepreneurship students.
Register for these sessions using your wisc.edu email.
Am I required to attend?
It is mandatory to attend a Business Badgers Study Abroad information session before you meet with a global programs manager to make your plan. It is crucial to your study abroad success.
Attendance at other events is not required.
Upcoming Events

UW Real Estate in Rome Info Session
Explore the option of taking two required real estate courses in Rome for the spring 2026 semester, taught by WSB faculty. In this session you will learn about this upcoming program’s academics, housing, cost, and more!
Rolling application review has already begun! Final deadline is March 3rd.

Business Badgers Study Abroad Info Session
Join this BBSA info session if you are thinking about studying abroad on a program through the Wisconsin School of Business.
Before scheduling an appointment with a professional staff member, prospective study abroad students (pre-application) must attend a BBSA info session.
Register by clicking the button at the bottom of the page to attend.

Business Badgers Study Abroad Info Session
Join this BBSA info session if you are thinking about studying abroad on a program through the Wisconsin School of Business.
Before scheduling an appointment with a professional staff member, prospective study abroad students (pre-application) must attend a BBSA info session.
Register by clicking the button at the bottom of the page to attend.
Reach out to the Global Programs team for information.