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Webinars & Podcasts

Get an in-depth look at the Wisconsin Full-Time MBA through recorded webinars and podcasts. Admissions staff and students share program features, information on specialization, and helpful application insights and strategies.

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Podcasts are available on Spotify and Google Podcast.

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Webinars are available on YouTube.

Podcasts & Webinars by Topic

Program Information/Careers



Leslie Taylor, Director of Employer and Corporate Relations, shares insight on how the Wisconsin MBA curriculum prepares students for the job market, what makes our specialization model so unique, and how and why our Employer Relations team engages with employers.


Join us for an insightful podcast episode featuring Kristin Branch, the Director of the Marketing Leadership Institute at UW-Madison. Kristin discusses the exciting initiatives happening at the Marketing Leadership Institute.


Tanya Hubanks, Director of the Strategic Human Resource Management Center, discusses how the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHR) Center develops business leaders who will become strategic business partners in the future.


In this podcast, we discuss topics such as scholarships, grants, loans, and other forms of financial aid.


In this podcast, we interview David Dwight, Director of the Erdman Center for Technology and Product Management at UW-Madison’s Full-time MBA.


In this podcast, we talk with Barb Boelens, Directory of the Nicholas Center for Corporate Finance and Investment Banking.

Webinar Recordings

Full-Time MBA Information Session with UW–Madison

Funding your Full-Time MBA at UW-Madison

Application Strategy and Tips



Betsy Kacizak, Director of Admissions and Recruitment at the Wisconsin School of Business, provides answers to all of your questions on what the admissions team looks for in Full-Time MBA candidates. This is the first episode in a two-part series.


Learn about how to write a good essay for your MBA application.


Learn about the letter of recommendation portion of the application.


This episode provides tips for acing your application interview.

Webinar Recordings

Which MBA is Right for You?

Embracing Diversity: The Benefits of Consortium

MBA Application Webinar

Culture & Student Experience



MBA student Alice Chang-Der Bedrosian discusses her experience as a ROMBA fellow as well as her experience in the MBA program as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.


For this special Veteran’s Day episode, Full-Time MBA student and Special Operations Veteran of the US Army James Cox discusses his experience as a veteran in the Wisconsin MBA and about the veteran community at UW-Madison.


Full-Time MBA student Amanda Moran opens up about her personal experience with career transition and layoff, candidly discussing the difficulties she faced and how she overcame them. She shares valuable insights on how she believes an MBA degree can be an asset for those facing similar career challenges.


Learn about why Madison is such a great place to live! Sarah Warner from Destination Madison discusses Madison’s attractions, festivals, and public transportation.


Full-Time MBA student Hector Aviles discusses his experience as a Hispanic American in the MBA program and how his identity has provided him insights that have helped him in his professional career.


Learn about the Consortium Orientation Program and how WSB helped over 80% of our Consortium students receive internship offers before classes even started!

Webinar Recordings

Balancing Work, Life, and School

Forté Foundation – More Women Leading

Black in the Boardroom Alumni Panel

Alumni Panel – Women in the MBA

UW-Madison Student Panel on Forte Foundation

Consortium Student Panel


If you have any questions or want more information about the program or about admissions, contact the MBA Admissions Team.