CapTimes Ideafest is presenting a panel on inflation in Chadbourne Residence Hall on Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:00 PM!
Chadbourne Residential College, the LaFollette School and the CapTimes IdeaFest folks have collaborated to pull together an interdisciplinary faculty panel to help students understand how the concept and reality of inflation may effect their everyday lives.
The idea behind the panel is to create a casual, conversational opportunity for undergrads, especially first year students just arriving on campus, to learn more about a pressing issue and to get their questions answered in a relaxed, co-curricular environment.
The faculty line up has something for everyone and is truly an all-star cast.
Ian’s will be served (free, of course) and the panel will be moderated by Kayla Huynh, the CapTimes Higher Ed reporter and a recent graduate of UW-Madison.
We hope to see you there!