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Actuarial Club – Getting Back Into the Swing

By Michael Miksic

November 11, 2021

After almost two and a half semesters of virtual employer presentations, career fairs, social events, and volunteering events, we are happy to say that the UW-Actuarial Club is finally returning to a sense of normalcy here on campus. The past couple of semesters were definitely a challenge in regards to organizing engaging events for our members to partake in, however things are back and looking better than ever!

With more than 200 active members (including me), we are seeing outstanding levels of student engagement with our in-person and virtual events. On September 20th, the Actuarial Club hosted our annual club kick-off where we introduced the club officers, showcased what the club has to offer, and of course celebrated with some Ian’s pizza! 

The Actuarial Club and Risk Management & Insurance Society were involved in the organizing of both an in-person and virtual Career Fair October 5-6. More than 60 companies were in attendance and looking to connect with students, showcase their companies, and recruit for internship and full-time positions. The virtual portion of the career fair was incredibly convenient for students, and allowed them to reserve 10-minute time slots with prospective employers without having to wait in line. Overall, it was a resounding success!

The Actuarial Club has also had multiple employer presentations from insurance companies in which club members were exposed to valuable actuarial pricing tools and reserving techniques used by real actuaries. These types of events give us incredible insight on the type of work they will be doing upon graduation from UW-Madison. We have also had many successful in-person social events for our members such as Trivia Night and the Halloween Social. In addition, we had our first in-person volunteering event this semester where we met at the Lakeshore Path to help clean and maintain one of the most beautiful spots on campus.

Overall, the club has been off to an amazing start with numerous events for club members to stay engaged, and we couldn’t be happier to see everyone’s faces in-person again. We look forward to many more successful events throughout the course of the semester!