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Confidence as a Presenter

Room 4151 - Director's Room, Grainger Hall 375 University Avenue, Madison

Confidence while presenting can communicate presenters' competence and passion but is not always easy to show. Here, we will discuss tips and tricks to radiate confidence during a presentation. This workshop falls under the Interpersonal Communication competency and counts towards the Personal Leadership Styles Badge. Location: 4151 Grainger Hall

Acknowledging Indigenous Land and History

Room 4151 - Director's Room, Grainger Hall 375 University Avenue, Madison

Learn about the land and history of Indigenous people here in Madison and why the UW-Madison Land Acknowledgement Statement is so important. This workshop falls under the Honoring Context & Culture competency and counts towards the Inclusive Leadership Badge. Registration is not required. Location: 4151 Grainger

Marketing Your Personality

Students will complete the 16Personalities test and research and discuss how their personality can contribute to the world of business and their major. Find this workshop on the Business Badger Badges Canvas page under the “Modules” tab between the dates listed. Enroll in the Canvas page here. This workshop falls under the Self-Awareness competency and...

Supporting Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Students

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

As part of the Paper Clip Communications Webinar, learn more about APIDA history and the best ways to support your fellow APIDA students. This workshop falls under the Honoring Context & Culture competency and counts towards the Inclusive Leadership Badge. Registration for this event is not required. Location: 5120 Grainger

ALC Case Competition

Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, WI, United States

Students will engage with teams on determining the best approach to solve a real-world business problem, or “case”. The case will focus on leadership issues within an organization. This event counts towards the Group Dynamics Badge. Individuals will be able to register as an individual or a team of five.  Registration information will be available...

Filling Your Bucket

Going a step beyond traditional self-care strategies, we will discuss how to use day-to-day interactions to give yourself and those around you a positive sense of well-being. Find this workshop on the Business Badger Badges Canvas page under the “Modules” tab between the dates listed. Enroll in the Canvas page here. This workshop falls under...


Involvement 101

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

Learn where and how to get involved at the Wisconsin School of Business and elsewhere on the UW-Madison campus!


Involvement 101

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

Learn where and how to get involved at the Wisconsin School of Business and elsewhere on the UW-Madison campus!

Business Badger Badges 101

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

Learn about the Accenture Leadership Center's Business Badger Badge program, how to get involved, and how it will further your personal and professional growth as leaders within WSB. Free Pizza!

Balancing Goals and Commitments

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

This workshop will explore ways for attendees to practice values congruence. While considering students' busy schedules, we will focus on strategies for ensuring that commitments are intentional and will lead to achieving goals. This workshop falls under the Self-Awareness competency and counts towards the Personal Leadership Styles badge. Free Pizza!

Building Blocks of Habits

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

Students will learn about the psychology behind how habits are developed and sustained, the long-term impacts of positive and negative habits, and have the opportunity to begin the habit development process by creating a Habit Action Plan. This workshop falls under the Ideas into Action competency, and counts towards the Leading for Change badge. Free...

Finding a Mentor

5120 Grainger Hall 975 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin

This session will share tips and tricks for mentees to find a high quality mentor and maintain a lasting relationship. This workshop falls under the Interpersonal Communication competency, and counts towards the Personal Leadership Styles badge. Free Pizza!