We tried something new at the Nicholas Center for Corporate Finance and Investment Banking this semester! We sponsored a talk by one of our current first year MBA students – Michael Hilfiker. Michael has a unique background in tax and delivered a talk about how international tax regimes are trying to recover $100-240 billion of lost corporate tax income each year, how effective tax rates in foreign jurisdictions have to increase and the impact on Google’s and Facebook’s valuation.
For reference, you can find the slides that Michael delivered here.
Attendance at Michael’s talk was ~35 people including UW Finance Faculty, UW MBA students from a number of specializations, Nicholas Center alumni (both in person and on phone), finance executives that are not UW alum (on the phone) and prospective students for the Nicholas Center (on the phone).
Michael will also be delivering his talk to investment professionals at the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (“SWIB”) who have expressed interest in the topic.
We would like to thank Michael for his hard work on this talk and congratulate him on making a tax subject interesting (which is difficult for seasoned tax professionals), making it valuable to both novices as well as those with a background in tax (those two competing audiences are difficult to navigate) and engaging the audience who had a lot of interesting questions during the presentation. Excellent job!