Over the past five years the Weinert Center has transformed from a specialized center focused on serving 200 business students a year to a platform serving an enrollment of over 1,400 students annually. These students are enrolled in bachelor’s to Ph.D. degree programs in nearly 150 majors at almost every college on campus. Demand for many of our courses continues to exceed our capacity.
In addition to our coursework, our program engages our alumni and friends as inspirational leaders, teachers, and mentors via a variety of programs including our weekly Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch and our Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Showcase.
Students in our program are learning how to be more productive innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Some are applying their coursework immediately to create jobs for themselves and others. Many use these skills to become successful intraprenurs at those large firms they join at graduation.
To help fund access to our programs while increasing the quality of the student training and experience, we are announcing The Wisconsin Forward Partners Fund. Donations made to the Forward Fund support our annual operations, expansion of our programs, and have an immediate impact on the opportunities that we can provide our students. Donations can be made by individuals or businesses at three levels of distinction:
Platinum Level ($100,000+ annually)
Gold Level ($50,000-$99,000 annually)
Silver Level ($25,000 – $49,000 annually)
Donors to this fund are known as our Forward Partners. Each year Forward Partners are recognized on the honor wall and during our events. Quarterly updates are provided and progress reports and feedback are obtained in an annual meeting. Our first Forward Partners include an anonymous donor (at the Platinum Level) and Andy Boszhardt (at the Gold Level). Please consider joining your fellow alumni and friends as a Forward Partner.
Also available are special naming opportunities beginning at the $1 million level. To learn more please contact Molly Philosophos at Molly.Philosophos@supportuw.org or at 708.275.2686.
The Weinert Center is your program operated by the Wisconsin School of Business for the benefit of entrepreneurs campus-wide. Our programs are designed to enhance opportunities for our students. We hope you will consider joining the Wisconsin Forward Partners Fund.