Your health and wellbeing are of critical concern to the UW-Madison campus community. To better understand and meet your needs, UW-Madison is administering the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) to a sample of students from March 15-29, 2021.
If you have been selected to participate, you received an email invitation on Monday morning, March 15 (sent by Your responses are confidential. Students who spend the 20-30 minutes required to complete the survey can enter for the chance to win more than $2500 in prizes.
We rely on the data generated by this survey to guide the improvement and equity of policies, programs and services supporting your physical and mental health, safety and ability to flourish and be successful in college. An adequate number of student responses are essential for a robust data set. Please make your voice heard by completing the NCHA survey.
Results from the NCHA survey will help UW-Madison:
· Understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our students’ health and well-being
· Implement and improve health programs and services based on student need
· Understand the experiences of historically marginalized groups on campus and work with campus partners to address changes that need to be made
You can reach out with any questions to Courtney Blomme, Associate Director of Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment, at