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Abdullah Yavas

Abdullah Yavas

Robert E. Wangard Real Estate Chair
4106 Grainger Hall

About Abdullah

Abdullah Yavas holds the Robert E. Wangard Real Estate Chair in the department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Wisconsin School of Business. He served as the department chair between 2012 and 2018. He also served as the Academic Director of Graaskamp Center for Real Estate between 2021 and 2023.

Previously, he was the Elliott Professor of Business Administration and the research director of the Institute for Real Estate Studies in the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University, where he received the Fred Brand Award for Outstanding Teaching, Smeal College’s highest undergraduate teaching award.

His research interests include real estate brokerage, mortgage contracts, real estate auctions, economics of information, and experimental economics.

Yavas has authored or co-authored more than 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals on real estate, finance, and economics.

The results of his research have been cited in some of the nationally known publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Time, Money, BusinessWeek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Boston Sunday Globe. He has consulted for mortgage companies and real estate investment trusts.

Yavas is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. He served as the editor of Real Estate Economics between 2014 and 2020 and as the elected president of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association in 2020. He was a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey between 2009 and 2021. He is currently a fellow of the Real Estate Research Institute.

He holds a B.A. in business from Bogazici University and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Iowa.

Selected Accepted Journal Articles

Allen, M. & Rutherford, J. & Rutherford, R. & Yavas, A. & Wedge, L. (2023). Micro Evidence Relating to House Rents, Prices and Investor Size from a Matched Dataset Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yavas, A. & Zhu, S. (2023). Misreporting of Second Liens in Portfolio Mortgages and Privately Securitized Mortgages Real Estate Economics

Selected Published Journal Articles

Fan, Y. & Yavas, A. (2023). Price Dynamics in Public and Private Commercial Real Estate Markets Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Lu, F. & Li, L. & Yavas, A. (2023). The Impact of Distant Hurricanes on Local Housing Markets Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Li, L. & Yavas, A. & Zhu, B. (2023). Externalities of Residential Property Flipping Real Estate Economics

Higgins, E. & Yavas, A. & Zhu, S. (2022). Private Mortgage Securitization and Loss Given Default Real Estate Economics

Li, L. & Ucar, E. & Yavas, A. (2022). Social Capital and Mortgage Delinquency Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Emmerling, T. & Yavas, A. & Yildirim, Y. (2021). To Accept or Not to Accept: Optimal Strategy for Sellers in Real Estate Real Estate Economics

Fan, Y. & Yavas, A. (2020). How Does Mortgage Debt Affect Household Consumption? Micro Evidence from China Real Estate Economics

Fan, Y. & Yang, Z. & Yavas, A. (2019). Understanding Real Estate Price Dynamics: The Case of Housing Prices in Five Major Cities of China Journal of Housing Economics

Allen, M. & Rutherford , J. & Rutherford, R. & Yavas, A. (2018). Impact of Investors in Distressed Housing Markets Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Tunc, C. & Yavas, A. (2017). Collateral Damage: The Impact of Mortgage Debt on U.S. Savings Housing Policy Debate

Bian, X. & Waller, B. & Yavas, A. (2017). Commission Splits in Real Estate Transactions Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Huddart, S. & Yavas, A. (2017). The Efficiency of Stock-Based Incentives: Experimental Evidence Journal of Behavioral Finance

Tunc, C. & Yavas, A. (2016). Not All Credit is Created Equal: Mortgage vs Non-mortgage Debt and Private Saving Rate in Turkey Central Bank Review

Ambrose, B. & Sanders, A. & Yavas, A. (2016). Servicers and Mortgage-Backed Securities Default: Theory and Evidence Real Estate Economics

Chow , Y. & Hafalir, I. & Yavas, A. (2015). Auction versus Negotiated Sale: Evidence from Real Estate Sales Real Estate Economics

Li, Y. & Yavas, A. (2015). Residential Brokerage in Hot and Cold Markets Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Li, L. & Yavas, A. (2015). The Impact of a Multiple Listing Service Real Estate Economics

Sahin, M. & Sirmans, C. & Yavas, A. (2013). Buyer Brokerage: Experimental Evidence Journal of Housing Economics

Bian, X. & Yavas, A. (2013). Prepayment Penalty as a Screening Mechanism for Default and Prepayment Risks Real Estate Economics

Ikramov , N. & Yavas, A. (2012). Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods: An Experimental Study Real Estate Economics

Agarwal, S. & Chang, Y. & Yavas, A. (2012). Adverse Selection in Mortgage Securization Journal of Financial Economics

Rutherford, R. & Yavas, A. (2012). Discount Brokerage in Residential Real Estate Markets Real Estate Economics

Ikromov, N. & Yavas, A. (2012). Cash Flow Volatility, Prices and Price Volatility: An Experimental Study Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yildirim, Y. & Yavas, A. (2011). Price Discovery in Real Estate Markets: A dynamic Analysis Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Vandegrift, D. & Yavas, A. (2011). An Experimental Test of Behavior under Team Production Managerial and Decision Economics

Vandegrift, D. & Yavas, A. (2010). An Experimental Test of Sabotage in Tournaments Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

Fisher, L. & Yavas, A. (2010). Case for Percentage Commission Contracts: The Impact of a “Race” Among Agents Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Chang, Y. & Yavas, A. (2009). Do Borrowers Make Rational Choices on Points and Refinancing? Real Estate Economics

Vandegrift, D. & Yavas, A. (2009). Men, Women and Competition: an Experimental Test of Behavior Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Vandergrift, D. & Yavas, A. & Brown, P. (2007). Incentive Effects and Overcrowding in Tournaments: An Experimental Analysis Experimental Economics

Rutherford, R. & Springer, T. & Yavas, A. (2007). Evidence of Information Asymmetries in the Market for Residential Condominiums Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Posey, L. & Yavas, A. (2007). Screening Equilibria in Experimental Markets Geneva Risk and Insurance Review

Fisher, L. & Yavas, A. (2007). The Value of Equitable Redemption in Commercial Mortgage Contracting Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Onder, Z. & Ozyildirim, S. & Yavas, A. (2005). Mobility and Optimal Tenure Choice Journal of Housing Economics

Yavas, A. & Sirmans, C. (2005). Real Options: Experimental Evidence Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Ford, J. & Rutherford, R. & Yavas, A. (2005). The Effects of the Internet on Marketing Residential Real Estate Journal of Housing Economics

Rutherford, R. & Springer, T. & Yavas, A. (2005). Conflicts between Principals and Agents: Evidence from Residential Brokerage Journal of Financial Economics

Harrison, D. & Noordweier, T. & Yavas, A. (2004). Do Riskier Borrowers Borrow More? Real Estate Economics

Yavas, A. (2004). The Color of Credit Journal of Economic Literature

Dokmeci, V. & Onder, Z. & Yavas, A. (2003). External Factors, Housing Values and Rents: Evidence from Survey Data Journal of Housing Research

Katok, E. & Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (2002). Implementation by Iterative Dominance and Backward Induction: an Experimental Comparison Journal of Economic Theory

Yavas, A. (2002). Endogenous Outside Options in Coordination Games: Experimental Evidence Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Yavas, A. & Miceli, T. & Sirmans, C. (2001). An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Intermediaries on the Outcome of Bargaining Games Real Estate Economics

Abrahms, E. & Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (2001). An Experimental Comparison of Two Search Models Advances in Experimental Markets

Posey, L. & Yavas, A. (2001). Adjustable and Fixed Rate Mortgages as a Screening Mechanism for Default Risk Journal of Urban Economics

Munneke, H. & Yavas, A. (2001). Incentives and Performance in Real Estate Brokerage: Theory and Evidence Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yavas, A. (2001). Resolution of Demand Uncertainty and Competitive Rent Adjustment Journal of Housing Economics

Yavas, A. (2001). The Immediacy Service of the Specialist as a Coordination Mechanism International Review of Economics and Finance

Yavas, A. (2001). Impossibility of a Competitive Equilibrium in Brokerage Industry Journal of Real Estate Research

Rutherford, R. & Springer, T. & Yavas, A. (2001). The Impacts of Contract Type on Broker Performance Real Estate Economics

Abrahms, E. & Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (2000). An Experimental Comparison of Two Search Models Economic Theory

Yavas, A. & Colwell, P. (1999). Buyer Brokerage: Incentive and Efficiency Implications Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yavas, A. (1998). The Effect of Government Size on Economic Development: Does Too Much Government Investment Retard Economic Development of a Country? Journal of Economic Studies

Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (1996). Abreu-Matsushima Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence Games and Economic Behavior

Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (1996). Threat to Regulate and Coordination Failures: Expiermental Evidence Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yavas, A. (1996). Matching of Buyers and Sellers by Brokers: A Comparison of Alternative Commission Structures Real Estate Economics

Yavas, A. (1996). Search and Trading in Intermediated Markets Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Yavas, A. (1995). Can Brokerage Have an Equilibrium Selection Role Journal of Urban Economics

Colwell, P. & Yavas, A. (1995). A Comparison of Real Estate Marketing Systems: Theory and Evidence Journal of Real Estate Research

Sefton, M. & Yavas, A. (1995). The Welfare Effects of a subsidy to Multiple Listing Services Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yang, S. & Yavas, A. (1995). Bigger is Not Better: Brokerage and Time on the Market Journal of Real Estate Research

Yavas, A. & Yang, S. (1995). The Strategic Role of Listing Price in Marketing Real Estate: Theory and Evidence Real Estate Economics

Posey, L. & Yavas, A. (1995). A Search Model of Marketing Systems in Property-Liability Insurance Journal of Risk and Insurance

Yavas, A. (1995). Seller – Broker Relationship as a Double Moral Hazard Problem Journal of Housing Economics

Colwell, P. & Yavas, A. (1994). Demand for Agricultural Land and Strategic Bidding in Auctions Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Kahn, C. & Yavas, A. (1994). The Economic Role of Foreclosures Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Yavas, A. (1994). Economics of Brokerage: An Overview Journal of Real Estate Literature

Yavas, A. (1994). Middlemen in Bilateral Search Markets Journal of Labor Economics

Yavas, A. (1993). A Simple Model of Bid-Ask Spread Search Review of Financial Economics

Colwell, P. & Yavas, A. (1993). The Value of Deed Quality Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Bhattacharya, U. & Yavas, A. (1993). In Search of the Right Middleman Economic Letters

Yavas, A. (1992). Marketmakers versus Matchmakers Journal of Financial Intermediation

Yavas, A. (1992). A Simple Search and Bargaining Model of Real Estate Markets Real Estate Economics

Colwell, P. & Yavas, A. (1992). The Value of Building Codes Real Estate Economics

Professional Organizations

Second Vice President, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association

American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association

American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association

Real Estate Research Institute Advisory Board

Member of Board of Directors, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association

Real Estate Research Institute Fellow

Homer Hoyt Institute for Advanced Studies

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics – Since June 2023

Real Estate Economics – January 2015 – December 2020

Borsa Istanbul Review – Since November 2012
Editorial Board Member

Real Estate Finance – Since August 2012
Editorial Board Member

Central Bank Review – Since January 2010
Associate Editor

Special issue of The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics on Brokerage – January 2006 – December 2006
Special Issue Editor

Journal of Housing Economics – Since January 2002
Editorial Board Member

Mathematical and Computational Applications – January 2001 – December 2013
Editorial Board Member

Real Estate Economics – Since January 2000
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Real Estate Research – Since January 1999
Editorial Board Member

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics – Since January 1996
Editorial Board Member

Popular Media

  • Bloomberg.

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