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Dongsheng Li

Dongsheng Li

PhD Student | Accounting and Information Systems
Accounting and Information Systems

About Dongsheng

Dongsheng Li, CPA (Canada), earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Saint Mary’s University (Canada) and his bachelor’s degree in finance from Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai (China). Dongsheng was an auditor at the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, performing audits of federal departments and crown corporations. He also worked as an auditor at Grant Thronton (Canada). Dongsheng is interested in audit research, especially auditors’ communication and use of technologies.

Undergraduate Courses

Foundations of Auditing (AIS 630), Fall 2023. Download Syllabus

Introductory Financial Accounting (AIS 100), Fall 2021. Download Syllabus

Introductory Financial Accounting (AIS 100), Spring 2022. Download Syllabus