About Ivan
Ivan Shaliastovich is Thomas D. and Barbara C. Stevens Distinguished Chair in Finance and an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at the Wisconsin School of Business. Ivan’s areas of expertise are in asset pricing and financial econometrics. His research falls into three main areas: volatility risks, the term structure of interest rates, and investor learning in securities markets. His work in these three areas is tied together by a focus on macroeconomic uncertainty, and its impact on the economy and financial markets. His work is published in the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Management Science, among others.
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ivan teaches undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students in Finance. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, and Quantitative Economics.
Ivan received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Duke University, and his B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from the American University in Bulgaria. He was at Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, before joining Wisconsin School of Business.
Selected Published Journal Articles
Davydiuk, T. & Richard, S. & Shaliastovich, I. & Yaron, A. (2023). How Risky are U.S. Corporate Assets? Journal of Finance
Gao, L. & Hitzemann, S. & Shaliastovich, I. & Xu, L. (2022). Oil Volatility Risk Journal of Financial Economics
Colacito, R. & Croce, M. & Liu, Y. & Shaliastovich, I. (2022). Volatility Risk Pass-Through Review of Financial Studies
Liu, Y. & Shaliastovich, I. (2022). Government Policy Approval and Exchange Rates Journal of Financial Economics
Huang, D. & Schlag, C. & Shaliastovich, I. & Thimme, J. (2019). Volatility of Volatility Risk Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Kilic, M. & Shaliastovich, I. (2019). Good and Bad Variance Premia and Expected Returns Management Science
Eraker, B. & Shaliastovich, I. & Wang, W. (2016). Durable Goods, Inflation Risk, and Equilibrium Asset Prices Review of Financial Studies
Segal, G. & Shaliastovich, I. & Yaron, A. (2015). Good and Bad Uncertainty: Macroeconomic and Financial Market Implications Journal of Financial Economics
Shaliastovich, I. (2015). Learning, Confidence, and Option Prices Journal of Econometrics
Bansal, R. & Kiku, D. & Shaliastovich, I. & Yaron, A. (2014). Volatility, the Macroeconomy, and Asset Prices Journal of Finance
Bansal, R. & Shaliastovich, I. (2013). A Long-Run Risks Explanation of Predictability Puzzles in Bond and Currency Markets Review of Financial Studies
Shaliastovich, I. & Tauchen, G. (2011). Pricing of Time-Change Risks Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Bansal, R. & Shaliastovich, I. (2011). Learning and Asset Prices Jumps Review of Financial Studies
Bansal, R. & Shaliastovich, I. (2010). Confidence Risks and Asset Prices American Economic Review
Eraker, B. & Shaliastovich, I. (2008). An Equilibrium Guide to Designing Affine Pricing Models Mathematical Finance
Working Papers
Shaliastovich, I. & Segal, G. (2021). Uncertainty, Risk, and Capital Growth
Branger, N. & Schlag, C. & Shaliastovich, I. & Song, D. (2015). Macroeconomic Bond Risks at the Zero Lower Bound
Shaliastovich, I. & Yamarthy, R. (2015). Monetary Policy Risks in the Bond Markets and Macroeconomy
Huang, D. & Shaliastovich, I. (2015). Risk Adjustment and Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty: Evidence from Option Markets
Bansal, R. & Shaliastovich, I. (2009). Confidence Risks and Asset Prices
Liu, Y. & Shaliastovich, I. Government Policy Announcement Return
Colacito, R. & Croce, M. & Liu, Y. & Shaliastovich, I. Volatility (Dis)Connect in International Markets
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
Journal of Empirical Finance – Since August 2022
Associate Editor
Quantitative Economics – Since July 2017
Associate Editor
Journal of Banking and Finance – Since March 2017
Associate Editor