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McKay Jones

McKay Jones

PhD Student | Accounting and Information Systems
Accounting and Information Systems

About McKay

McKay Jones is a PhD student interested in exploring the world of managerial accounting research. McKay gravitates to experimental techniques when developing questions and has experience building experiments with software tools for use in active research projects. McKay’s coursework has revolved around developing an analytical tool belt as well as theoretical basis in behavioral economics and accounting research in general. He has experience teaching in the classroom of both introductory financial accounting and managerial accounting courses.

Working Papers

Choi, J. & Jones, M. Does allowing employees to set their own pay motivate greater effort? A re-examination of potential drivers.

Jones, M. & Libby, T. & Smith, S. Reasonable versus Rational: The Effects of Judgement Standards on Managerial Decisions

Undergraduate Courses

Cost Management Systems (AIS 310), Fall 2022. Download Syllabus
Design of actual and standard cost systems for reporting product costs in job costing, process costing, and activity costing production environments. Overhead allocation methods. Budgeting and profit planning procedures. Techniques for variance analysis and performance evaluation. Behavioral considerations in the design and use of cost accounting information systems.

Introductory Managerial Accounting (AIS 211), Fall 2021. Download Syllabus
Managerial accounting concepts relevant for decision-making; use of accounting information for planning, decision-making, and control of business operations in various management and business environments. Enroll Info: None

Introductory Managerial Accounting (AIS 211), Spring 2022. Download Syllabus
Managerial accounting concepts relevant for decision-making; use of accounting information for planning, decision-making, and control of business operations in various management and business environments. Enroll Info: None