About Vallabh
Vallabh (Samba) Sambamurthy is the Albert O. Nicholas Dean of the Wisconsin School of Business. Recognized as an impactful administrator, attentive leader, and preeminent scholar in the areas of innovation and digital strategy, Dr. Sambamurthy brings extensive experience to the dean position.
Prior to his current role, Dr. Sambamurthy served as Eli Broad Professor and associate dean of the MBA and professional master’s programs at the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. He previously served as the school’s associate dean for outreach and engagement and chair of the accounting department, leading the launch of the top-10 MS program in business analytics. He previously held faculty appointments at the University of Maryland and Florida State University.
A leading expert on how businesses compete in the digital economy, Dr. Sambamurthy’s work has been featured in leading academic journals. Several Fortune 500 firms have engaged him as a consultant. Working with executive clients and academic colleagues in China, Taiwan, Singapore, India, and Hong Kong, he has focused on digital business transformations, strategic alignment, governance, and innovation. He has co-authored several books on digital transformation.
Dr. Sambamurthy has been recognized for his contributions to teaching, research, outreach, and mentoring. The Association of Information Systems honored him with the LEO Lifetime Achievement award. He was selected as distinguished fellow of the Information Systems Society at INFORMS, and he received the William Beal Distinguished Faculty Award – the highest honor accorded by Michigan State University.
Dr. Sambamurthy received his PhD from the University of Minnesota, his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, and his B.E. from the National Institute of Technology (Tiruchirappalli, India).
Selected Published Journal Articles
Wang, Y. & Guo, C. & Susarla, A. & Sambamurthy, V. (2021). Online to Offline: The Impact of Social Media on Offline Sales in the Automobile Industry Information Systems Research
Guo, C. & Kim, T. & Susarla, A. & Sambamurthy, V. (2020). Understanding Content Contribution Behavior in a Geo-Segmented Mobile Virtual Community: The Context of Waze Information Systems Research
Kim, T. & Wimble, M. & Sambamurthy, V. (2018). Disaggregation of IT Capital Effects on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from an IT Asset Portfolio Perspective European Journal of Information Systems
Khuntia, J. & Saldana, T. & Mithas, S. & Sambamurthy, V. (2018). Information Technology and Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy Production and Operations Management
Venkatesh, V. & Hillol, B. & Sambamurthy, V. (2016). Implementation of an Information and Page -8- Communication Technology in a Developing Country: A Multi-Method Longitudinal Study in a Bank in India Information Systems Research
Lee, O. & Sambamurthy, V. & Lim, K. & Wei, K. (2015). How does IT Ambidexterity Impact Organizational Agility Information Systems Research
Saraf, N. & Ruckman, K. & Sambamurthy, V. (2015). Market Positioning by Information Technology Vendors through Imitation Information Systems Research
Grewal, R. & Chakravarthy, A. & Sambamurthy, V. (2013). Information Technology Competencies, Organizational Agility, and Firm Performance: Enabling and Facilitating Roles Information Systems Research
Xue, L. & Ray, G. & Sambamurthy, V. (2013). The Impact of Supply-side Electronic Integration on Customer Service Performance Journal of Operations Management
Woodard, J. & Ramasubbu, N. & Tschang, T. & Sambamurthy, V. (2013). Design Capital and Design Moves: The Logic of Digital Business Strategy MIS Quarterly
Sasidharan, S. & Santhanam, R. & Brass, D. & Sambamurthy, V. (2012). The Effects of Social Network Structure on Enterprise Information Systems Success: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis Information Systems Research
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
MIS Quarterly, Special Issue on Information Technologies and Knowledge Management – January 2005 – December 2005