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Featured Publications

Mayer, E.
Big Banks, Household Credit Access, and Intergenerational Economic Mobility.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
(59), 2933-2969.

Wright, R.
Cyclical Capital Reallocation and Liquidity.
Journal of Political Economy

Huang, R., Mayer, E., & Miller, D.
Gender Bias in Promotions: Evidence from Financial Institutions.
Review of Financial Studies
(37), 1685-1728.

Wright, R.
Is Money Essential: An Experimental Approach.
Journal of Political Economy
(132), 2972-2998.

Orame, A., Ramcharan, R., & Robatto, R.
Macroprudential Regulation, Quantitative Easing, and Bank Lending.
Review of Financial Studies

Gong, G., & Wright, R.
Middlemen in Search Equilibrium with Intensive and Extensive Margins.
International Economic Review
(65), 1657-1679.

Plante, S., Lester, B., Kargar, M., & Weill, P.
Sequential Search for Corporate Bonds,.
Journal of Finance

Mayer, E., Frame, S., Huang, R., Jiang, E., Lee, Y., Liu, W., & Sunderam, A.
The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders.
Journal of Finance

Albertus, J., Glover, B., & Levine, O.
The Real and Financial Effects of Internal Liquidity: Evidence From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Journal of Financial Economics

Doshi, H., Ericsson, J., Fournier, M., & Seo, S.
The Risk and Return of Equity and Credit Index Options.
Journal of Financial Economics

Allen, J., Clark, R., Houde, J., Li, S., & rubnikova, A.
The role of intermediaries in selection markets: Evidence from mortgage lending.
Review of Financial Studies

Ghaderi, M., Kilic, M., & Seo, S.
Why Do Rational Investors Like Variance at the Peak of a Crisis? A Learning-Based Explanation.
Journal of Monetary Economics