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Featured Publications

Stajkovic, A., & Stajkovic, K.
A summer of protests: Event system theory to test an intersectional leadership advantage.
Journal of Management

Ma, A., Ponce de Leon, R., & Rosette, A.
Asking for Less (but Receiving More): Women Avoid Impasses and Outperform Men When Negotiators Have Weak Alternatives.
Journal of Applied Psychology

Fulmer, I., Gerhart, B., & Kim, J.
Compensation and Performance: A Review and Recommendations for the Future. Personnel Psychology.
Personnel Psychology

Chakraborty, S., Ma, A., & Swinney, R.
Designing rewards-based crowdfunding campaigns for strategic (but distracted) contributors.
Naval Research Logistics

Atir, S., Rosenzweig, E., & Dunning, D.
Does Expertise Protect Against “Overclaiming” False Knowledge?.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Stajkovic, K., & Stajkovic, A.
Ethics of Care Leadership, Racial Inclusion, and Economic Health in the Cities: Is There a Female Leadership Advantage?.
Journal of Business Ethics
(189), 699-721.

Akinsanmi, O., & Coff, R.
Firm-Specific Human Capital: Mobility Constraint or Enhancer?.
Academy of Management Journal

Agarwal, S., Miller, C., & Ganco, M.
Growing Platforms within Platforms: How Platforms Manage the Adoption of Complementor Products in the Presence of Network Effects?.
Strategic Management Journal
(44), 1879-1910.

Weber, L., & Coff, R.
Managers’ Perceptions and Microfoundations of Contract Design.
Academy of Management Review

Ganco, M., Liu, J., Wang, H., & Yamaguchi, S.
Strategic Restraint: When do Human-Capital-Intensive Companies Choose (Not) to Use Noncompete Agreements?.
Strategic Management Journal

Bredehorst, J., Krautter, K., Meuris, J., & Jachimowicz, J.
The Challenge of Maintaining Passion for Work over Time: A Daily Perspective on Passion and Emotional Exhaustion.
Organization Science
(35), 364–386.