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Featured Publications

Arora, N., Chakraborty, I., & Nishimura, Y.
AI-human hybrids for Marketing Research: Leveraging LLMs as Collaborator.
Journal of Marketing

Liu, J., & Liu, Y.
Asymmetric Impact of Matching Technology on Influencer Marketing: Implications for Platform Revenue.
Marketing Science

Chakraborty, I., Chiong, K., Dover, H., & Sudhir, K.
Can AI and AI-Hybrids Detect Persuasion Skills? Salesforce Hiring with Conversational Video Interviews.
Marketing Science

He, C., Ozturk, O., Gu, C., & Chintagunta, P.
Consumer Tax Credits for EVs: Some Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Consumer Demand, Product Substitution, and Carbon Emissions.
Management Science
(69), 7759–7783.

Franco, P., Epp, A., Canniford, R., & Phipps, M.
Continued Use Trajectories: How Entropy Work Sustains Technology Assemblages.
Journal of Marketing

Jha, S., Balaji, M., & Peck, J.
Conveying Product Weight in Digital Media Using a Hand Image.
Journal of Retailing

Ringler, C., Sirianni, N., Peck, J., & Gustafsson, A.
Does your demonstration tell the whole story? How a process mindset and social presence impact the effectiveness of product demonstrations.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
(52), 512-530.

Ozturk, O., He, C., & Chintagunta , P.
Frontiers: Inequalities in Dealers’ Interest Rate Markups? A Gender and Race-based Analysis.
Marketing Science
(43), 20-32.

Lu, Z., Jung, S., & Peck, J.
It Looks Like “Theirs”: When and Why Human Presence in the Photo Lowers Viewers’ Liking and Preference for an Experience Venue.
Journal of Consumer Research
(51), 321-341.

Polman, E., & Maglio, S.
Nudges increase choosing but decrease consuming: Longitudinal studies of the decoy, default, and compromise effects.
Journal of Consumer Research
(51), 542-551.

Tian, M., Kaufman, D., Shiffman, S., & Arora, N.
Over-the-Counter Drug Consumption: How Consumers Deviate from Label Instructions.
Journal of Marketing Research
(61), 430-450.

Luo, X., He, C., Hu, Y., Li, X., & Cheng, Y.
The Impact of Mobile Data Cost on Consumer Price Sensitivity: A Study of a Hotel Booking App.
Information Systems Research

Ruan, B., Polman, E., & Tanner, R.
The One-Away Effect: The Pursuit of Mere Completion.
Journal of Consumer Research
(50), 945–961.

Liu, Y., Lou, B., Zhao, X., & Li, X.
Unintended Consequences of Advances in Matching Technologies: Information Revelation and Strategic Participation on Gig-Economy Platforms.
Management Science
(70), 1729-1754.

Tian, M., Hoban, P., & Arora, N.
What Cookie-Based Advertising Effectiveness Fails to Measure.
Marketing Science
(43), 407-418.

Velagaleti, S., & Epp, A.
When Fields are Destabilized: Mobilizing Gendered Capital to Resolve Hysteresis.
Journal of Consumer Research
(50), 1052-1069.