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UW-Madison Risk and Insurance Students Tutoring in Middle Schools

By Jodi Wortsman

May 15, 2020

Friendships were made, math skills were learned, and communication skills were practiced during this inaugural semester of the Schools of Hope Tutoring Program operated by the Urban League of Madison. In February 2020, the Schools of Hope program paired Risk and Insurance students with middle-school students throughout the Madison Metropolitan School District.

Paul Johnson Jr., Risk and Insurance lecturer is leading the initiative to supervise our students tutoring middle-school students to improve their math skills, with an emphasis on literacy and critical thinking. Through this program, tutors are able to enhance their communication/teaching skills and learn how best to interact with younger individuals of varying technical backgrounds.

In this inaugural semester, 25 students committed multiple hours each week, including transportation, tutoring preparation, and meeting with the middle-school students individually or in small groups. Tutors also met with Paul as a group to discuss best practices and lessons learned.

“It has been a great experience for me,” Paul shared. “I have learned a great deal about working with middle-school students in my own interactions, as well as listening to the other tutors. I have been absolutely encouraged by the high level of commitment from the tutors.”

The tutoring program was suspended when middle school and college classes went virtual because of COVID-19. As he plans for future semesters, Paul muses about building both virtual and face-to-face components into this initiative. He is looking forward to the challenges and rewards that are inherent in this type of program.