Featured Publications
Yang, L., Shi, P., & Huang, S.
A copula model for marked point process with a terminal event: an application in dynamic prediction of insurance claims.
Annals of Applied Statistics
(18), 2679-2704.
Rosenberg, M., Yun, S., & Kim, K.
Assessing Oral Health in US Children and Its Impact on Disparities of Overall Health and Health Expenditures: An Application Using Two-Stage Clustering.
North American Actuarial Journal
(28), 909-924.
Freedman, S., Sacks, D., Simon, K., & Wing, C.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Vaccines: Evidence from COVID-19.
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Shi, P., & Zhao, Z.
Enhanced pricing and management of bundled insurance risks with dependence-aware prediction using pair copula construction.
Journal of Econometrics
(240), 1-18.
Friedson, A., Li, M., Meckel, K., Rees, D., & Sacks, D.
Exposure to cigarette taxes as a teenager and the persistence of smoking into adulthood.
Health Economics
(33), 1962-1988.
Bauer, D., Lakdawalla, D., & Reif, J.
Health Risk and the Value of Life.
Journal of Public Economics
Shi, P., Zhang, W., & Shi, K.
Leveraging weather dynamics in insurance claims triage using deep learning.
Journal of the American Statistical Association
(119), 525-538.
Deng, Y., Leverty, T., & Zanjani, G.
Market Discipline and Government Guarantees: Evidence from the Insurance Industry.
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Sacks, D., Menachemi, N., Embi, P., & Wing, C.
What can we learn about SARS-CoV-2 prevalence from testing and hospital data?.
Review of Economics and Statistics
(106), 848-858.