Fall 2020 Course
Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Instructors: Gary & Mallory Gorman
Course Information
Gary and Mallory Gorman will teach a class focused on how to develop and finance affordable rental housing. Gary is the Founder and Chairman of Gorman & Company, Inc., a firm that has developed over $1 billion of affordable rental housing on a national scope over the last 36 years. Mallory is a tax attorney at Baker Tilly and brings a deep background in the tax and technical aspects of the development process. This course will feature a series of guest speakers that develop, finance, invest, and regulate affordable housing. It is structured around a semester-long team project that mirrors the affordable housing development process.
About Gorman & Company
Since 1984, Gorman & Company has specialized in downtown revitalization, historic preservation, mixed-use, live-work, workforce housing, neighborhood transformations, and preservation of affordable housing options. We have been recognized as one of the nation’s “Top 50 Affordable Housing Developers” by Affordable Housing Finance and regularly received local and national recognition for our developments. The firm has offices in Wisconsin, Illinois, Arizona, Colorado, and Florida, as well as projects in six states. Gorman & Company has in-house design and construction divisions that have successfully completed over one billion dollars of new construction and major renovations. It’s affiliated property management firm manages over six thousand units across the nation.
For more information, please visit www.gormanusa.com
This course is listed as RE 365 005/765 002 in the enrollment system. Please note that undergraduate students must take RE 306 before or concurrently with this course.
Questions: miranda.zuo@wisc.edu
Department of Real Estate & Urban Land Economics