Every Wednesday from 11:00AM-1:00 PM, the Associated Students of Madison’s Outreach Director will be hosting an open Zoom link where students are welcome to stop by to learn more about ASM and ask any questions they may have.
Zoom Details: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/95797450960?pwd=cm8yMEYyU3g5SDd4bERnNjNXcnk2UT09
Meeting ID: 957 9745 0960
Passcode: 226191
This would be a great opportunity for students that are considering running for a seat on Student Council or the Student Services Finance Committee to learn more. ASM is also hosting the Grassroots Organizing Academy from February 12-April 2, a virtual workshop series that teaches essential grassroots organizing skills. Interested students can fill out a brief application at go.wisc.edu/asmgoa. Coffee Hour would be a great chance to chat about the program as well.