Learn more about the Consortium and how it can influence your future!
You can take steps now to save time and money if you are considering an MBA in the future. A great first step is to investigate The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. Through the Consortium, you can use a single application to apply to up to six of the 21 member schools. If admitted to a member school, you are considered for a Consortium Fellowship, which covers your tuition and fees.
During this session, you will:
· Learn about the Consortium’s mission of enhancing diversity in business education and leadership by helping to reduce underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans in business schools and the ranks of management.
· Discover the benefits of the Consortium’s network and career connections.
· Connect with current consortium fellows to understand why they opted for the MBA and how the Consortium has impacted their lives.
Wednesday, November 17 5:30 -6:15 p.m. 1266 Executive Dining Room Grainger Hall
Ian’s Pizza will be served to make your day a little easier!