Fall 2020
MHR365, new course number MHR 632
Title: Introduction to Arts Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
Course Number: Management and Human Resources 632/Integrated Art 636
Meets: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:45am for Fall 2020
Pre-requisites: None, open to all undergraduate and graduate students
Instructor: Sarah Marty, sarah.marty@wisc.edu
“Introduction to Arts Entrepreneurship” will offer an overview and foundation for students interested in developing, launching, or advancing innovative projects in arts, culture, design, and humanities. Students from a variety of creative majors across campus will learn the unique contexts and challenges of creative careers. Students will cultivate their own career vision and creative project goals while gaining an understanding of the nature and structure of arts entrepreneurship – for-profit, nonprofit, and in between.
The course meets twice weekly over 15 weeks. Guest lectures by creative professionals and class discussions will ensure ongoing connections between theory and practice.
The course is intended to align with the criteria and goals the undergraduate and graduate Entrepreneurship Certificate, for students who are interested in a more intensive focus on creative enterprise. It also supports the new MA in Arts & Creative Leadership offered by the Bolz Center in the Wisconsin School of Business.