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Margie Rosenberg

Margie Rosenberg

Professor | Risk and Insurance
Assurant Health Professor in Actuarial Science
5191E Grainger Hall

About Margie

Marjorie A. Rosenberg is a professor in the Department of Risk and Insurance at the Wisconsin School of Business.

Rosenberg’s research interests are in the application of statistical methods to health care, and applying her actuarial expertise to cost and policy issues in health care. She publishes in actuarial, medical, dental, and other relevant journals. Her recent work has to analyze the linkage oral health to overall health, reflecting differences among various population subgroups.

Prior to her starting on her academic career, Rosenberg worked as an individual life pricing and product development actuary for Allstate Life Insurance Company.

She holds a Ph.D. in statistics and management science from the University of Michigan.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Rosenberg, M. & Yun, S. & Kim, K. (2024). Assessing Oral Health in US Children and Its Impact on Disparities of Overall Health and Health Expenditures: An Application Using Two-Stage Clustering North American Actuarial Journal

Rosenberg, M. & Zhong, F. (2022). Using Clusters Based on Social Determinants to Identify the Top 5% Utilizers of Health Care North American Actuarial Journal

Zhong, F. & Rosenberg, M. & Agterberg, J. & Crabb, R. (2021). Social Determinant-Based Profiles of US Adults Adults with the Highest and Lowest Health Expenditures Using Clusters North American Actuarial Journal

Gao, L. & Rosenberg, M. (2021). Assessing the Causal Impact of Delayed Oral Health Care on Emergency Department Utilization North American Actuarial Journal

Agterberg, J. & Zhong, F. & Crabb, R. & Rosenberg, M. (2020). Cluster Analysis Application to Identify Groups of Individuals with High Health Expenditures Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology

Kim, K. & Rosenberg, M. (2020). Determinants of Persistent High-Utilizers in US Adults Using Nationally Representative Data North American Actuarial Journal

Levy, J. & Rosenberg, M. (2019). A Latent Class Approach to Modeling Trajectories of Health Care Cost in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Medical Decision Making

Kim, K. & Rosenberg, M. (2018). The role of unhealthy behaviors on an individual’s self-reported perceived health status. North American Actuarial Journal

Levy, J. & Rosenberg, M. & Vanness, D. (2018). A Transparent and Consistent Approach to Assess US Outpatient Drug Costs for Use in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses Value in Health

Levy, J. & Rosenberg, M. & Farrell, P. (2016). Innovative Assessment of Inpatient and Pulmonary Drug Costs for Children with Cystic Fibrosis Pediatric Pulmonology

Levy, J. & Meek, P. & Rosenberg, M. (2015). US-Based Drug Cost Parameter Estimation for Economic Evaluations Medical Decision Making

Stout, N. & Nekhlyudov, L. & Li, L. & Malin, E. & Ross-Degnan, D. & Buist, D. & Rosenberg, M. & Alfisher, M. & Fletcher, S. (2014). Rapid Rise of Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Use: Trends from 2000-2011 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Batina, N. & Trentham-Dietz, A. & Gangnon, R. & Sprague, B. & Rosenberg, M. & Stout, N. & Fryback, D. & Alagoz, O. (2013). Variation in tumor natural history contributes to racial disparities in breast cancer stage at diagnosis Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Wang, Y. & Graubard, B. & Rosenberg, M. & Kuntz, K. & Zauber, A. & Kahle, L. & Schechter, C. & Feuer, E. (2013). Derivation of Background Mortality by Smoking and Obesity in Cancer Simulation Models Medical Decision Making

Rosenberg, M. & Feuer, E. & Yu, B. & Sun, J. & Henley, J. & Shanks, T. & Anderson, C. & McMahon, P. & Thun, M. & Burns, D. (2012). Cohort Life Tables By Smoking Status, Removing Lung Cancer as a Cause of Death Risk Analysis

Johnson, Jr., P. & Rosenberg, M. & Frees, E. (2012). Analyses of Racial Disparities in U.S. Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Internet Journal of Mental Health

Wells, J. & Rosenberg, M. & Hoffman, G. & Anstead, M. & Farrell, P. (2012). A Decision-Tree Approach to Cost Comparison of Newborn Screening Strategies for Cystic Fibrosis Pediatrics

Frees, E. & Gao, J. & Rosenberg, M. (2011). Predicting the frequency and amount of health care expenditures North American Actuarial Journal

Rosenberg, M. & Johnson, Jr, P. & Duncan, I. (2010). Exploring Stakeholder Perspectives On What Is Affordable Health Care Risk Management and Insurance Review

Sun, J. & Frees, E. & Rosenberg, M. (2008). Heavy-Tailed Longitudinal Data Modeling Using Copulas Insurance: Mathematics and Economics

Rosenberg, M. & Farrell, P. (2008). Predictive Modeling of Costs for a Chronic Disease with Acute High Cost Episodes North American Actuarial Journal

Burns, M. & Rosenberg, M. & Fiore, M. (2007). Use and employer costs of a pharmacotherapy smoking cessation treatment benefit American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Rosenberg, M. & Frees, E. & Sun, J. & Johnson, P. & Robinson, J. (2007). Predictive Modeling with Longitudinal Data: A Case Study of Wisconsin Nursing Homes North American Actuarial Journal

Stout, N. & Rosenberg, M. & Trentham-Dietz , A. & Smith, M. & Robinson, S. & Fryback , D. (2006). Towards Improved Policy: Lessons from a Retrospective Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Screening Mammography Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Fryback, . & Stout, N. & Rosenberg, M. & Trentham-Dietz , A. & Kuruchittham, V. & Remington, P. (2006). The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Epidemiology Simulation Model Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Rosenberg, M. (2006). Competing Risks to breast cancer mortality Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Burns , M. & Rosenberg, M. (2005). Use of a new comprehensive insurance benefit for smoking-cessation treatment Preventing Chronic Disease

Rosenberg, M. & Farrell, P. (2005). Assessing the Cost of Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis and Treatment Journal of Pediatrics

Carnes, M. & Howell, T. & Rosenberg, M. & Francis, J. & Hildebrand , C. & Knuppel, J. (2003). Physicians vary in approaches to clinical management of delirium Journal of American Geriatrics Society

Lee, D. & Rosenberg, M. & Peterson, A. & Hoffman, G. & Makholm, L. & Laessig, R. & Farrell, P. (2003). Analysis of the Costs of Diagnosing Cystic Fibrosis with a Newborn Screening Program Journal of Pediatrics

Linzer, M. & Rosenberg, M. & McMurray, J. & Glassroth, . (2002). Respecting the lifecycle: Rational workforce planning for a Section of General Internal Medicine American Journal of Medicine

Rosenberg, M. (2001). A Decision-Theoretic Method for Assessing a Change in the Rate of Non-Acceptable Inpatient Claims Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology

Rosenberg, M. (2001). A Statistical Method for Monitoring a Change in the Rate of Non-Acceptable Inpatient Claims North American Actuarial Journal

Rosenberg, M. & Browne, M. (2001). The Impact of the Inpatient Prospective Payment System and Diagnosis Related Groups: A Survey of the Literature North American Actuarial Journal

Foster, S. & McMurray, J. & Linzer, M. & Leavitt, J. & Rosenberg, M. & Carnes, M. (2000). Assessing the Climate: The Gender Climate Survey Report from a Midwest Academic Health Center Academic Medicine

Rosenberg, M. & Griffith, J. (2000). A Management Tool for Controlling the Rate of Non-Acceptable Inpatient Hospital Claims Inquiry

Practitioner-Oriented Publications

Rosenberg, M. & Yun, S. (2021). Using Social Determinants to Identify Profiles of U.S. Children with Low Dental Expenditures and High Medical Expenditures with Clusters

Rosenberg, M. & Guszcza, J. (2014). Overview of Linear Models Predictive Modeling in Actuarial Science

Collins, J. & Hinshaw, J. & Simcock, E. & Rosenberg, M. (2009). Radiology Faculty Compliance with Recommended Health Guidelines: Comparison with Residents Academic Radiology


International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (2018) Identification of Persistent High-Utilizers and the Role of Multiple Unhealthy Behaviors

Predictive Analytics Conference (2017) A Numerical Taxonomy Application to Cluster Individuals for Predicting Health Care Expenditures

American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting (2017) Identification of Persistent High-Utilizers and the Role of Multiple Unhealthy Behaviors

AcademyHealth Interest Group Meeting (2017) Identification of Persistent High-Utilizers and the Role of Multiple Unhealthy Behaviors

University of Swansea School of Business and Economics Research Seminar (2013) Determinants of Reputational Risk

3 R’s and Predictive Modeling Boot Camp (2012) Linear and Generalized Linear Modeling

Annual Meeting (2012) Actuarial Issues Related to Comparative Effectiveness Analysis

Actuarial Research Conference (2012) An Introduction to Causal Analysis on Observational Data using Propensity Scores

Health Meeting (2012) Generalized Linear Models for Health Actuaries

Actuarial Research Conference (2011) Technology Enhanced Learning for Actuarial Education

Actuarial Research Conference (2010) Technology Enhanced Learning for Actuarial Education

Health Spring Meeting (2010) Statistics for Reading the Healthcare Services and Policy Literature

Predictive Modeling Seminar (2007) Advanced Predictive Modeling Workshop

Annual Research Conference (2006) Heavy-Tailed Longitudinal Data Modeling Using Copulas

Undergraduate Courses

Regression and Time Series for Actuaries (ACT 654), Spring 2016. Download Syllabus
Linear regression and correlation; generalized linear regression models; introduction to time series; time series model building and forecasting with focus on data of interest to actuaries.

Regression and Time Series for (ACT 654), Fall 2011.
Linear regression and correlation; generalized linear regression models; introduction to time series; time series model building and forecasting with focus on data of interest to actuaries.

Actuarial Studies of Mortality (ACT 653), Spring 2004.
Construction of mortality tables from the records of insured lives, employee benefit plans, and population statistics; graduation of mortality and related tables; actuarial aspects of demography.

Actuarial Studies of Mortality (ACT 653), Spring 2005.
Construction of mortality tables from the records of insured lives, employee benefit plans, and population statistics; graduation of mortality and related tables; actuarial aspects of demography.

Loss Distributions and Credibility Theory (ACT 652), Fall 2005.
Selection and fitting of probability distributions appropriate for insurance data that are heavy tailed and skewed; assessment of the credibility of data for ratemaking.

Loss Distributions and Credibility Theory (ACT 652), Fall 2003.
Selection and fitting of probability distributions appropriate for insurance data that are heavy tailed and skewed; assessment of the credibility of data for ratemaking.

Loss Distributions and Credibility Theory (ACT 652), Fall 2004.
Selection and fitting of probability distributions appropriate for insurance data that are heavy tailed and skewed; assessment of the credibility of data for ratemaking.

Life Contingencies II (ACT 651), Spring 2002.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Actuarial Mathematics II (ACT 651), Spring 2009.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Actuarial Mathematics II (ACT 651), Spring 2010.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Actuarial Mathematics II (ACT 651), Spring 2007.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Life Contingencies II (ACT 651), Spring 2007.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Actuarial Mathematics II (ACT 651), Spring 2008.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Life Contingencies II (ACT 651), Spring 2001.
Continuation of Act Sci 650. Joint life probabilities, annuities and insurances; multiple-decrement theory; pension fund mathematics.

Life Contingencies I (ACT 650), Fall 2006.
Advanced problems in the mathematical theory of life contingencies; force of mortality, laws of mortality; premiums and reserves for annuities and insurances based on a single life; applications of the mortality table to population problems.

Life Contingencies I (ACT 650), Fall 2001.
Advanced problems in the mathematical theory of life contingencies; force of mortality, laws of mortality; premiums and reserves for annuities and insurances based on a single life; applications of the mortality table to population problems.

Actuarial Mathematics I (ACT 650), Spring 2016. Download Syllabus
Advanced problems in the mathematical theory of life contingencies; force of mortality,laws of mortality; premiums and reserves for insurance and annuities based on a single life.

Contemporary Topics (RMI 365), Fall 2009.

Actuarial Science Methods (ACT 300), Spring 2002.
Develop a knowledge of fundamental mathematical tools for quantitatively assessing risk. Emphasize the applications of these tools to problems encountered in actuarial science.

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

Rosenberg, M. (2018). Building a Culture of Health: The Role of Actuaries in Affecting the Health of their Communities The Actuary

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