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Full-Time MBA Student Ambassadors

Aby Bencent

Aby Bencent headshot
Specialization: Supply Chain Management
Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering
Graduation Year: 2026
Hometown: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Pre-MBA career experience:
Sr Associate, Amazon

Post-MBA career goal:
Joining in a Leadership development program

Why choose Wisconsin MBA?
I chose the Wisconsin MBA Program because of its supply chain management specialization and its STEM-Designated Track, both of which align perfectly with my career goals.

My advice to a prospective student considering the Wisconsin MBA Program is to fully embrace the program’s unique blend of academic rigor and practical experience. Additionally, take advantage of the program’s strong industry connections for internships and networking opportunities.

Fun fact:
One fun fact about me is that I’m an avid reader who loves to explore different genres, but I have a special fondness for detective stories.