This past week, the Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management had two groups of students participate in unique and educational supply chain opportunities that allowed students to learn and grow in a professional setting.
One group of students, accompanied by faculty member Blake Bishop, went to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to partake in the annual National Supply Chain Case Competition. Students worked incredibly hard, and were awarded with a second place finish! On top of this accomplishment, students Cameron Blackwell and Lily Peterson earned awards for Outstanding Individuals. Congratulations to this group of students!
Also this past week, two supply chain students attended the Ulta Beauty Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence (WISE) conference with faculty member Verda Blythe. The conference was held in Bolingbrook, Illinois where students were able to connect with Supply Chain Leaders and students from surrounding universities. Students learned about the importance of building your personal brand in the workplace and what it means to be a leader.
Thank you to the hosts of both of these events for giving our students the opportunity to gain valuable supply chain knowledge and learn from professionals around the country.