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Barry Gerhart

Barry Gerhart

Bruce R. Ellig Distinguished Chair in Pay and Organizational Effectiveness
4194 Grainger Hall

About Barry

Barry Gerhart is the Bruce R. Ellig Distinguished Chair in Pay and Organizational Effectiveness, Department of Management and Human Resources, Wisconsin School of Business, UW-Madison. Gerhart previously served as Department Chair at Cornell and Vanderbilt and as Department Chair, Senior Associate Dean, and interim Albert O. Nicholas Dean at the Wisconsin School of Business. He also previously served as the interim Vice Provost and Dean, International Division, UW-Madison. Gerhart earned his Ph.D. in Industrial Relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his B.S. in Psychology from Bowling Green State University. His research interests include compensation, human resource management, staffing, and international management.

Gerhart has received several lifetime achievement awards: the Herbert Heneman Jr. Career Achievement Award and the Thomas A. Mahoney Mentoring Award (for his work with doctoral students), both from the Human Resources Division, Academy of Management, as well as the Michael R. Losey Excellence in Human Resource Research Award from the Society for Human Resource Management. He has also been elected a Fellow of both the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association. In addition, he has received the scholarly achievement award (best research article) and (twice) the international scholarly achievement award (best international research article), both from the Human Resources Division, Academy of Management.

Gerhart’s work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Annual Review of Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and other leading journals. He has co-authored a research monograph, Compensation: Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications, as well as several books, including: Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (13th edition), Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9th edition), and Compensation (14th edition).

Selected Published Journal Articles

Gerhart, B. & Trevor, C. & Scott, D. (2023). Merit Pay Performance Management Systems: A Global Perspective

Fulmer, I. & Gerhart, B. & Kim, J. (2023). Compensation and Performance: A Review and Recommendations for the Future. Personnel Psychology. Personnel Psychology

Kim, J. & Gerhart, B. & Fang, M. (2022). Do Financial Incentives Help or Harm Performance in Interesting Tasks? Journal of Applied Psychology

Gerhart, B. & Feng, J. (2021). The Resource-Based View of the Firm, Human Resources, and Human Capital: Progress and Prospects Journal of Management

Gerhart, B. (2019). Commentary on Larkin and Nyberg and Reilly. Handbook of Research on Strategic Human Capital Resources

Gerhart, B. & Weller, I. (2019). Compensation Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. & Weller, I. (2018). Methodological Challenges for Quantitative Research in Comparative HRM Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. (2017). Incentives and Pay for Performance in the Workplace Advances in Motivation Science

Gerhart, B. & Fang, M. (2017). Competence and Pay for Performance Handbook of Competence and Motivation (2nd edition)

Gerhart, B. (2016). Past, Present and Future Compensation Research Perspectives. Compensation and Benefits Review

Gerhart, B. (2015). Pay, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Performance, and Creativity in the Workplace: Revisiting Long-Held Beliefs Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Rabl, T. & Jayasinghe, M. & Gerhart, B. & Kühlmann, T. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of Country Differences in the High Performance Work System-Business Performance Relationship: The Roles of National Culture and Managerial Discretion. Journal of Applied Psychology

Gerhart, B. & Fang, M. (2014). Pay for (Individual) Performance: Issues, Claims, Evidence and the Role of Sorting Effects. Human Resource Management Review

Gerhart, B. (2013). Research on Human Resources and Effectiveness: Some Methodological Challenges. HRM and Performance: Achievements and Challenges

Weller, I. & Gerhart, B. (2012). Empirical Research Issues in Comparative HRM. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. (2012). Construct validity, causality, and policy recommendations: The case of high performance work practices systems Human Resource Management Review

Trevor, C. & Reilly, G. & Gerhart, B. (2012). Reconsidering Pay Dispersion’s Effect on the Performance of Interdependent Work: Reconciling Sorting and Pay Inequality Academy of Management Journal

Fang, M. & Gerhart, B. (2012). Does Pay for Performance Diminish Intrinsic Interest? A Workplace Test Using Cognitive Evaluation Theory and the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model International Journal of Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. (2010). Compensation Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. & Nyberg, A. & Fulmer, I. & Carpenter, M. (2010). Agency Theory Revisited: CEO Returns and Shareholder Interest Alignment Academy of Management Journal

Gerhart, B. & Rynes, S. & Fulmer, I. (2009). Pay and Performance: Individuals, Groups, and Executives Academy of Management Annals

Gerhart, B. (2009). Does National Culture Constrain Organization Culture and Human Resource Strategy? The Role of Individual Mechanisms and Implications for Employee Selection Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management

Gerhart, B. (2009). How Much Does National Culture Constrain Organizational Culture? Management and Organization Review

Gerhart, B. (2008). Compensation and National Culture Global Compensation: Foundations and Perspectives

Gerhart, B. (2008). Cross-Cultural Management Research: Assumptions, Evidence, and Suggested Directions International Journal of Cross Cultural Management

Gerhart, B. (2008). Review Essay: The Growth of International Human Resource Management International Journal of Human Resource Management

Lee, T. & Gerhart, B. & Weller, I. & Trevor, C. (2008). Understanding Voluntary Turnover: Path-Specific Job Satisfaction Effects and the Importance of Unsolicited Job Offers Academy of Management Journal

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2007). Essentials of Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. (2007). Modeling Human Resource Management—Performance Linkages Handbook of Human Resources Management

Gerhart, B. (2007). Horizontal and Vertical Fit in Human Resource Systems Perspectives on Organizational Fit

Rynes, S. & Gerhart, B. & Parks, L. (2005). Personnel Psychology: Performance Evaluation and Pay-for-Performance Annual Review of Psychology

Gerhart, B. & Fang, M. (2005). National Culture and Human Resource Management: Assumptions and Evidence International Journal of Human Resource Management

Gerhart, B. (2005). Human Resources and Business Performance: Findings, Unanswered Questions, and an Alternative Approach Management Revue: The International Review of Management Studies

Gerhart, B. (2005). The (Affective) Dispositional Approach to Job Satisfaction: Sorting Out the Policy Implications Journal of Organizational Behavior

Rynes, S. & Gerhart, B. & Minette, K. (2004). The Importance of Pay in Employee Motivation: Discrepancies between What People Do and What They Say Human Resource Management

Sturman, M. & Trevor, C. & Bourdreau, J. & Gerhart, B. (2003). Is it worth it to win the talent war? Using turnover research to evaluate the utility of performance-based pay Personnel Psychology

Fulmer, I. & Gerhart, B. & Scott, K. (2003). Are the 100 Best Better? An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Being a “Great Place to Work” and Firm Performance Personnel Psychology

Sturman, M. & Trevor, C. & Boudreau, J. & Gerhart, B. (2003). Is It Worth It to Win the Talent War? Evaluating the Utility of Performance-Based Pay. Personnel Psychology

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2003). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Gerhart, B. (2001). The Executive Handbook on Compensation

Wright, P. & McMahan, G. & Snell, S. & Gerhart, B. (2001). Comparing Line and HR Executives’ Perceptions of HR Effectiveness: Services, Roles, and Contributions Human Resource Management Journal

Wright, P. & Gardner, T. & Moynihan, L. & Park, H. & Gerhart, B. & Delery, J. (2001). Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance: Additional Data and Suggestions for Future Research Personnel Psychology

Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. & McMahan, G. & Snell, S. (2000). Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance: How Much Error Is there and How Does it Influence Effect Size Estimates? Personnel Psychology

Gerhart, B. (2000). Compensation in Organizations

Practitioner-Oriented Publications

Ledford, G. & Gerhart, B. & Fang, M. (2013). Negative Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: More Smoke Than Fire WorldatWork Journal


Academy of Management (2023) Facilitator. Compensation. HR Division Research Roundtable Networking Forum.

Academy of Management (2023) Panelist. Professional Development Workshop. Calibrating Lens of Research in Compensation.

(2019) 14 presentations given 2017 through 2019 (pre-pandemic)–please see vita

(2016) Strategic Human Resource (HR) Perspective on Human Capital (HC) and HC Management Processes and Systems

(2016) Strategy Microfoundations and Human Capital (& Human Resources)

(2016) Does the Effectiveness of Management Practices Depend on National Culture? Claims and Evidence.

(2015) Does the Effectiveness of Management Practices Depend on National Culture? Claims and Evidence.

(2015) Publishing, Impact, and Effect Size in the Field of Management

(2014) Gerhart, B. Intrinsic Motivation, Incentives, and Performance (in the workplace).

(2013) The Relationship between High Performance Work Practice Systems and Business Performance: How Much Does Country Matter (and why?)

Total Rewards Conference (2013) Fantasy and Reality in Academic Research on Rewards: Intrinsic Motivation.

Total Rewards Conference (2013) The Case for Differentiating Pay for Performance.

(2012) Assessing Mediation in Management Research.

(2012) National Culture and People Management: Claims and Evidence.

(2012) National Culture and People Management: Claims and Evidence.

(2011) Does the Relationship between Human Resources and Business Performance Differ across Countries?

Academy of Management (2011) How much does Country matter? A Meta-Analysis of the HPWP Systems-Business Performance Relationship.

(2011) National Culture and People Management: Claims and Evidence

Academy of Management (2010) Comparative Human Resource Management – Current Status and Future Developments

Academy of Management (2010) Comparing the Predictive Power of National Culture Distance Measures: Hofstede Versus Project GLOBE

International Association of Chinese Management Research (2010) International Management and Strategic Human Resource Management

(2010) National Culture and People Management: Claims and Evidence

Academy of Management (2009) The Sustainable Teaching of Human Resource Management in Multinational Enterprises

The 2008 Ludwig-Erhard-Professor Lecture (2008) Does National Culture Constrain Human Resource Management?

Seminar Series (2006) Context, Culture, and People Management: Claims and Evidence

The 2006 Derber Lecture (2006) National Culture as a Constraint on People Management: Claims and Evidence

Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (2005) Context, Culture, and People Management: Claims and Evidence

(2004) Research on Human Resources and Effectiveness: Selected Methodological Challenges

Undergraduate Courses

Human Resource Management (MNG 305), Fall 2001.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MNG 305), Spring 2001.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Graduate Courses

Reading & Research (MHR 999), Spring 2007.
Individual work suited to the needs of Ph.D. students may be arranged both during regular sessions and during the intersession periods.

Ph.D. Thesis Management (MHR 990), Fall 2023.

Doctoral Research Seminar in M (MHR 975), Spring 2011.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Research Methods (MHR 975), Spring 2013.

Doctoral Rsch Smr in Mgmt (MHR 975), Spring 2009.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Doctoral Research Seminar in Management (MNG 975), Fall 2001.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Doctoral Research Seminar in Management (MHR 975), Fall 2002.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Doctoral Research Seminar in Management (MHR 975), Fall 2003.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Doctoral Research Seminar in Management (MHR 975), Fall 2004.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Research Methods (MHR 975), Fall 2019.

Doctoral Research Seminar in Management (MHR 975), Fall 2006.
Seminar for Ph.D. candidates majoring in management and at or near the doctoral thesis stage. Focus: Assisting the student in working through the conceptualization and design of a thesis topic.

Research Methods (MHR 975), Fall 2023.

Smr-Personnel Management (MHR 871), Spring 2010.
Study and evaluation of merging issues in the field of personnel management. Extensive reading of appropriate literature together with analysis, reports and discussions.

Seminar-Personnel Management (MNG 871), Spring 2001.
Study and evaluation of merging issues in the field of personnel management. Extensive reading of appropriate literature together with analysis, reports and discussions.

Contemporary Topics (MHR 765), Spring 2006.

Human Resource Management (MHR 705), Fall 2012.

Human Resource Management (MHR 705), Spring 2007.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR 705), Fall 2007.

Hybrid Courses

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Fall 2003.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Fall 2005.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Spring 2006.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Fall 2010.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Spring 2007.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 705/305), Fall 2007.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Fall 2008.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MNG/MNG 305/705), Spring 2002.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Fall 2009.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Fall 2006.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Fall 2004.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Spring 2004.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Human Resource Management (MHR/MHR 305/705), Spring 2005.
Policies and practices; principles and techniques applicable to problems such as employee staffing, training, labor relations, wages, comunications, etc.

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

Milkovich, G. & Newman, J. & Gerhart, B. (2013). Compensation (11th edition)

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2013). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2012). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (6th edition)

Gerhart, B. & Trevor, C. (2008). Merit Pay Performance Management Systems: A Global Perspective

Newman, J. & Gerhart, B. & Milkovich, G. (2016). Compensation (12th edition)

Gerhart, B. & Newman, J. (2019). Compensation (13th edition)

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2023). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (13th edition)

Gerhart, B. (2023). Compensation (14th edition)

Noe, R. & Hollenbeck, J. & Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2022). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9th edition)

Milkovich, G. & Newman, J. & Gerhart, B. (2010). Compensation (10th edition)

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

German Journal of Human Resource Management – Since January 2017
Editorial Board Member

Journal of International Business Studies – January 2016 – December 2022
Editorial Board Member

Journal of World Business – January 2012 – December 2017
Editorial Board Member

Management and Organization Review – Since January 2011
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Applied Psychology – December 2007 – December 2020
Editorial Board Member

Academy of Management Journal – January 2002 – December 2020
Editorial Board Member

The International Journal of Human Resource Management – January 1998 – December 2020
Editorial Board Member

Personnel Psychology – January 1996 – December 2019
Editorial Board Member

Industrial and Labor Relations Review – Since January 1994
Editorial Board Member

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