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Ewelina Forker

Ewelina Forker

Grainger Hall

WSB Stories

Can Dark Data Improve Planning Processes for Businesses?

Dark data: It’s the large quantities of information that companies routinely collect from day-to-day operations and don’t always use—and even pay to store. The sheer volume of readily available data...
Grainger Hall exterior

WSB Faculty: How Is Your Work Helping Shape Better Business Leaders?

The start of a school year means new beginnings, new goals, and new ideas. There’s not just one path into business, and a Wisconsin School of Business education prepares students...

Meet More Accounting and Information Systems Faculty

Andrea Tillet

Andrea Tillet

Assistant Professor
Matt Griffith

Matthew Colin Griffith

Senior Lecturer
Ivy Feng

Ivy Feng

Assistant Professor
Fabio Gaertner

Fabio Gaertner

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