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Greg DeCroix

Greg DeCroix

Academic Director | Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management
Academic Director
Grainger Professor in Supply Chain Management
5295 Grainger Hall

About Greg

Gregory DeCroix is the Grainger Professor in Supply Chain Management in the Department of Operations and Information Management at the Wisconsin School of Business.

His research is in the field of supply chain management, with a specific focus on areas such as managing supply chain disruption risk, utilizing information in supply chain management, and the impact of decentralized decision making on supply chain efficiency.

His research has appeared in numerous publications, including Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, and European Journal of Operational Research. He is an associate editor for Operations Research and a senior editor for Production and Operations Management.

DeCroix received his Ph.D. from Stanford University, and has served on the faculties of Duke University and the University of Washington. He has taught a variety of operations management courses at the undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. levels, and currently teaches the full-time MBA/MS elective Supply Chain Analytics and the BBA elective Operations Analytics.

Selected Published Journal Articles

DeCroix, G. & Long, X. & Tong, J. (2021). How service quality variability hurts revenue when customers learn: Implications for dynamic personalized pricing Operations Research

Tong, J. & DeCroix, G. & Song, J. (2020). Modeling payment timing in multiechelon inventory systems with applications to supply chain coordination Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Bernstein, F. & DeCroix, G. (2015). Advance Demand Information in a Multiproduct System Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

DeCroix, G. (2013). Inventory Management for an Assembly System Subject to Supply Disruptions Management Science

Bernstein, F. & DeCroix, G. & Wang, Y. (2011). Impact of demand aggregation through delayed component allocation in an assemble-to-order system Management Science

DeCroix, G. & Song, J. & Zipkin, P. (2009). Managing an Assemble-to-Order System with Returns Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Bernstein, F. & DeCroix, G. & Wang, Y. (2007). Incentives and Commonality in a Decentralized Multi-Product Assembly System Operations Research

DeCroix, G. (2006). Optimal Policy for a Multi-Echelon Inventory System with Remanufacturing Operations Research

Bernstein, F. & DeCroix, G. (2006). Inventory Policies in a Decentralized Assembly System Operations Research

DeCroix, G. & Zipkin, P. (2005). Inventory Management for an Assembly System with Product or Component Returns Management Science

DeCroix, G. & Song, J. & Zipkin, P. (2005). A Series System with Returns: Stationary Analysis Operations Research


Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, Policy Advisory Board Meeting (2022) Supply chain challenges: What went wrong & lessons for the future

Graduate Courses

Readings & Research (OTM 799), Spring 2016.
Led and advised Amy Vilasdaechanont as she worked on her doctoral research.

Readings & Research (OTM 799), Fall 2016.
Led and advised Amy Vilasdaechanont as she worked on her doctoral research.

Readings and Research (OTM 799), Spring 2012.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2007.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2007.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2007.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2008.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2008.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2008.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2009.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2009.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2009.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2010.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2010.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Operations Management (OTM 700), Spring 2010.
Management of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the coordination of resources to improve cost, quality, and customer service. Topics include materials, capacity, and project management, operations strategy, forecasting, and process design.

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Operations Research – Since December 2008
Associate Editor

Production and Operations Management – Since December 2007
Associate Editor

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