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Mastering Accounting and Transforming Data Into Business Insights

About John

John J. Wild is a distinguished professor of business and accounting at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Business.

His research interests include financial accounting and reporting, business analysis and valuation, international financial markets, corporate governance, and earnings quality. Professor Wild’s research articles appear in The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Contemporary Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, the Review of Accounting and Finance, and other academic journals.

He has received numerous teaching awards from the Wisconsin School of Business as well as from Michigan State University. He has also taught at the University of Manchester, England.

He is past associate editor of Contemporary Accounting Research and serves on several editorial boards. Professor Wild is a frequent speaker at universities and national and international conferences, and is the author of several best-selling books in accounting and business.

Professor Wild earned his Ph.D. in business from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Selected Accepted Journal Articles

Wild, J. & Wild, J. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility and Disclosure Transparency. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Wild, J. & Wild, J. & Wild, K. (2023). International Joint Ventures, Shareholder Returns, Venture Complexity, and Political Risk. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance.

Wild, J. & Wild, J. & Wild, K. (2022). Managerial Incentives and the Valuation of International Joint Venture Formation. Journal of Accounting, Business and Finance Research.

Wild, J. & Wild, J. (2022). Explanatory Power of Earnings for Returns: Nonstationarity, Disaggregation and Timeliness Review of Accounting and Finance.

Dickinson, V. & Wangerin, D. & Wild, J. (2016). Accounting Rules and Post-Acquisition Profitability in Business Combinations Accounting Horizons

Heflin, F. & Shaw, K. & Wild, J. (2012). Credit Ratings and Disclosure Channels Research in Accounting Regulation

Heflin, F. & Shaw, K. & Wild, J. (2007). Information Quality and Intraday Spread Patterns Review of Accounting and Finance.

Heflin, F. & Shaw, K. & Wild, J. (2005). Disclosure Policy and Market Liquidity: Impact of Depth Quotes and Order Sizes Contemporary Accounting Research

Heflin, F. & Kwon, S. & Wild, J. (2002). Accounting Choices: Variation in Managerial Opportunism Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Han, J. & Wild, J. (2000). Predisclosure Information, Firm Capitalization, and Earnings Information Transfers Journal of Business Research.

Heflin, F. & Kwon, S. & Wild, J. (1997). Bid-Ask Spreads Around the Release of Annual Reports for Firms in Financial Distress Journal of Accounting and Business Research.

Han, J. & Wild, J. (1997). Timeliness of Reporting and Earnings Information Transfers Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Subramanyam, K. & Wild, J. (1996). Going Concern Status, Earnings Persistence, and Informativeness of Earnings Contemporary Accounting Research

Wild, J. (1996). The Audit Committee and Earnings Quality Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.

Kwon, S. & Wild, J. (1996). Trading Volume, Information Asymmetry, and Disclosure of Annual Reports for Firms in Financial Distress Accounting and Business Review.

Wild, J. (1995). Managerial Ownership, Accounting Choices, and Informativeness of Earnings Journal of Accounting and Economics

Wild, J. (1994). Managerial Accountability to Shareholders: Audit Committee Formation and the Explanatory Power of Earnings for Returns The British Accounting Review.

Kwon, S. & Wild, J. (1994). The Informativeness of Annual Reports for Firms in Financial Distress Contemporary Accounting Research

Wild, J. & Kwon, S. (1994). Earnings Expectations, Firm Size, and the Informativeness of Stock Prices Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Wild, J. (1993). Measurement of a Financial Model of the Firm: A Field Study Journal of Applied Business Research.

Warfield, T. & Wild, J. (1992). Accounting Recognition and the Relevance of Earnings as an Explanatory Variable for Returns The Accounting Review

Wild, J. (1992). Stock Price Informativeness of Accounting Numbers: Evidence on Earnings, Book Values, and Their Components Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

Han, J. & Wild, J. (1991). Stock Price Behavior Associated with Managers’ Earnings and Revenue Forecasts Journal of Accounting Research

Han, J. & Wild, J. (1990). Unexpected Earnings and Intra-Industry Information Transfers: Further Evidence Journal of Accounting Research

Wild, J. & Biggs, S. (1990). Strategic Considerations for Unaudited Account Values in Analytical Review The Accounting Review

Wild, J. (1989). Managers’ Earnings Forecasts and Intra Industry Information Transfers Journal of Accounting and Economics

Wild, J. (1987). The Prediction Performance of a Structural Model of Accounting Numbers Journal of Accounting Research

Biggs, S. & Wild, J. (1985). An Investigation of Auditor Judgment in Analytical Review The Accounting Review

Biggs, S. & Wild, J. (1984). A Note on the Practice of Analytical Review Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory.

Undergraduate Courses

Financial Statement Analysis (AIS 603), Fall 2020.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements, including profitability and ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, market impact of accounting choices, earnings quality, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, intangibles, accounting-based trading strategies, accounting and credit ratings, and international accounting.

Financial Statement Analysis (AIS 603), Fall 2022.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements, including profitability and ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, market impact of accounting choices, earnings quality, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, intangibles, accounting-based trading strategies, accounting and credit ratings, and international accounting.

Financial Statement Analysis (AIS 603), Fall 2022.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements, including profitability and ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, market impact of accounting choices, earnings quality, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, intangibles, accounting-based trading strategies, accounting and credit ratings, and international accounting.

Financial Statement Analysis (AIS 603), Fall 2022.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements, including profitability and ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, market impact of accounting choices, earnings quality, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, intangibles, accounting-based trading strategies, accounting and credit ratings, and international accounting.

Financial Statement Analysis (AIS 603), Fall 2023.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements, including profitability and ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, accounting-based equity valuation, market impact of accounting choices, earnings quality, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, intangibles, accounting-based trading strategies, accounting and credit ratings, and international accounting.

Intermediate Accounting (AIS 302), Fall 1999.
Coverage includes current and emerging financial accounting theory and techniques used to measure and report financial information to investors, creditors, and other external users, including dilutive securities, investments, revenue recognition, income tax allocation, pensions, leases and accounting changes.

Accounting Principles–Supervisory Professor (AIS 300), Spring 2021.
Examines both financial and managerial accounting for business decisions. Emphasizes preparation and interpretation of financial statements, analysis of financial information, determination of costs for products and services, and use of accounting information for planning and control of business operations. Enroll Info: None

Accounting Principles–Supervisory Professor (AIS 300), Summer 2021.
Examines both financial and managerial accounting for business decisions. Emphasizes preparation and interpretation of financial statements, analysis of financial information, determination of costs for products and services, and use of accounting information for planning and control of business operations. Enroll Info: None

Accounting Principles–Supervisory Professor (AIS 300), Fall 2023.
Examines both financial and managerial accounting for business decisions. Emphasizes preparation and interpretation of financial statements, analysis of financial information, determination of costs for products and services, and use of accounting information for planning and control of business operations. Enroll Info: None

Managerial Accounting (AIS 201), Fall 1998.
Managerial accounting concepts relevant for decision-making; use of accounting information for planning, decision-making, and control of business operations in various management and business environments.

Graduate Courses

Empirical Accounting Research Seminar (ACCT 971), Spring 2008.
Methods of inquiry and research methodology in accounting. Analysis of current research, with the emphasis on empirical research in accounting.

Financial Accounting for MBAs (ACC 700), Fall 2004.
Principles, concepts and procedures of financial accounting essential to the proper preparation, understanding and interpretation of accounting information.

Learning/Teaching Oriented Publications

Wild, J. & Subramanyam, K. (2014). Financial Statement Analysis: Theory, Application and Interpretation McGraw-Hill Education

Easton, P. & Wild, J. & Halsey, R. & McAnally, M. (2021). Financial Accounting for MBAs. 8th Edition. Cambridge Business Publishers.

Wild, J. (2020). Financial Accounting Fundamentals. 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Wild, J. & Shaw, K. (2021). Fundamental Accounting Principles. 25th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Wild, J. & Shaw, K. (2022). Financial and Managerial Accounting. 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Wild, J. & Wild, K. (2022). International Business: Challenges of Globalization. 10th Edition. Pearson Education.

Wild, J. (2022). Managerial Accounting. 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Wild, J. (2021). Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions. 10th Ed. McGraw-Hill Education.

Professional Organizations

Management Accounting Section, AAA

Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand

American Accounting Association

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section, AAA

International Accounting Section, AAA

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section, AAA

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy [Elsevier] – January 2023 – December 2024
Editorial Board Member

Accounting and Business Research – January 1995 – December 2014
Editorial Board Member

The British Accounting Review – January 1994 – December 1998
Editorial Board Member

Contemporary Accounting Research – January 1994 – December 2001
Associate Editor

The Accounting Review – January 1989 – December 1994
Editorial Board Member

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