The New York Times recently published an article on the emotional turmoil of exchanging gifts, and how the gift giver’s efforts can be ignored if they miss the mark of the recipient’s desires.
The article, “Think You Found the Perfect Gift? Think Again,” references research by Evan Polman, assistant professor in the Marketing Department at the Wisconsin School of Business, and colleagues Meg Meloy, associate professor, and Andong Cheng, Ph.D. candidate, both of the Penn State Smeal College of Business, on shopping for “picky” recipients.
The researchers surveyed more than 7,000 Black Friday shoppers in 2013, and found that 39 percent of shoppers believed that they were selecting gifts for a picky person, and that there are two types of picky recipients – those who want the same things all the time, and those with strong opinions and for whom guessing the right gift can be a challenge.
To read the full article, visit The New York Times website.