Hi Everyone!
My name is Rome Rauter, and I am a Senior studying International Business and Information Systems. Tomorrow I will be flying to Vienna, Austria for a semester at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. (Also known as WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business). Which means that all semester I will be going to the website Learn@WU… Which will totally mess up my muscle memory.
Why did I chose to study abroad?
When I was eight years old, I took a trip with my family to Europe, where I spent nine days with my relatives in Germany. Castles, mountains, history and doner kebabs left a big impression on me. If you want to make an eight year old happy, I promise a doner kebab and a castle tour will do the trick. I have been waiting to return to the German speaking world since the day I left. My curiosity as a child grew into a full blown passion for travel and learning more about the world. This has ultimately led me to spend this semester studying and exploring in a new country.

Why Vienna?
Although I have yet to step foot there, I can explain a little bit more about what drew me to Vienna. A big reason was the language. Vienna is the third largest German speaking city in the world, so it’s a great place to practice my German. Another reason is the location. Major cities like Prague and Budapest are a very short distance by bus, car or train. You can experience many distinct locations all within a region the size of Wisconsin. Finally, Vienna is loaded with history, coffee shops and historical coffee shops. What else can you ask for?
I am so excited to begin this journey and share it with you all. I will be back with my next post soon after my first few days in Vienna!