The Center hosted its annual Executive Advisory Board (EAB) meeting at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery on October 3rd, 2019. Students, faculty, staff, board members and Center alumni had the opportunity to discuss the latest and hottest topics in supply chain. Second year MBA and select BBA students gave presentations on their summer internship achievements and had great answers to questions from board members.
Following the student presentations, Rick Blasgen, president of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), shared his insights into current trends in supply chain. His presentation ignited in-depth discussion among participants on popular supply chain topics and what experts in the field are doing to tackle new challenges. Those in attendance agreed that they gained a deeper understanding of the field because of Rick’s thought-provoking introduction.
After Rick’s presentation, board members were joined by center faculty and staff to discuss and examine the Center’s strategic direction. The board members also took this chance to meet with Wisconsin School of Business Dean, Vallabh “Samba” Sambamurthy. The night continued with the annual alumni dinner at Monona Terrace. During dinner, second year MBA student Hridoy Das received the 2019 Kelly Ketchum Memorial Alumni Scholarship Award. The Wisconsin Supply Chain Distinguished Student Award went to BBA senior Kelly Lamb.
The following day, board members, faculty, staff, alumni and students met once again to listen to IBM’s Tom Ward present on how IBM Watson is challenging the world of AI and modern day supply chain risks.
The two-day EAB event brought over 80 people, including board members, alumni, faculty, staff, current MBA and BBA students, under the same roof. They were able to learn from each other and forge stronger relationships that are fundamental to the continued success and growth of the Center.