Thank you to our wonderful real estate alumni and friends who offered an impressive array of career building and networking opportunities over the winter break. Not only did these winter break opportunities offer valuable experience and knowledge about the real estate industry, they helped students forge new professional connections and build their resumes at a time when finding jobs and internships is challenging due to the global pandemic.
Thank you again to all the alumni and friends below who offered these valuable winter break experiences for Wisconsin Real Estate students.
Tim Slater (BBA 2013), Chad Messer (MBA 2015) and Katie Bergen (BBA 2009)
Joe Lak (BBA 2006), Mark Pucci (BBA 2008) and Dan Jeserig (BBA 2001)
Lamar Newburn (MBA 2011)
New York:
Alexis Block (BBA 2003) and Scott San Filippo (BBA 2007)
Southern California:
Chris Casey (MS 1984), Southern California Regional Director
Washington D.C.:
Luke Koczela (Friend of the Program) and Marshall Scallan (MBA 2007)
Virtual Winter Break Internship with Lincoln Property Company
Thank you to Jordan Kovalsky, Erin Hafeli and Lincoln Property Company for offering an excellent virtual winter break internship to 20 Wisconsin students. Participants learned about real estate career pathways in underwriting, asset management, acquisition/disposition, and capital sourcing. A division of Lincoln Property Company, Lincoln Advisors is a boutique manager established to assist institutional clients invest directly in U.S. commercial real estate.
Young Real Estate Professionals of New York (YREPNY) Winter Commercial Real Estate Workshop
Over 70 real estate students from around the country participated in the YREPNY Winter Commercial Real Estate Workshop, including 15 Wisconsin real estate students. The internship included a diverse roster of guest speakers and excellent networking opportunities. A big thank you to Mike Strug for hosting this unique workshop and making it available to our students.
The REAL Bright Summit
Wisconsin students also participated in The REAL Bright Summit, a week-long virtual event for students that will serve a bright and diverse next generation of real estate industry leaders nationwide. An all-start line up presenters included Sam Zell and Penny Pritzker.