Graaskamp Center Professor Emeritus Stephen Malpezzi recently received the John M. Quigley Medal for Advancing Real Estate and Urban Economics from the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association. Recipients of this prestigious award represent the many ways in which John Quigley, the late Berkeley-Haas housing expert, significantly advanced the academic fields of real estate, urban economics, public finance, regional science and others.
During his tenure at the Wisconsin School of Business, Malpezzi was a stellar and thoughtful member of the faculty. He made many contributions to building the Wisconsin Real Estate Program into one of the global leaders in real estate education. He served in multiple leadership positions, including Department Chair and Graaskamp Center Academic Director (twice). While Malpezzi retired in 2018, his active research agenda includes housing policy and programs and housing market behavior, both domestic and foreign. He has authored or co-authored numerous research publications appeared in a variety of journals and also co-authored a book with Richard Green, A Primer on U.S. Housing Markets and Policy.
During the John M. Quigley Medal for Advancing Real Estate and Urban Economics award ceremony, Malpezzi presented his corresponding address on “Global Perspectives on Real Estate and Urban Development in a Time of Stress” to AREUEA’s National Meeting. You can find the address on YouTube, and of course if you want a copy of the slides, Steve is always happy to send a copy if you email him at