Nathan Zukas, MBA Class of 2026, wrapped up his first semester at the Marketing Leadership Institute this past week. He reflects on his experiences within the Institute, and shared that while the life of an MBA student can be difficult, the community that is fostered in the MLI is something he values greatly.
My Experience in the Marketing Leadership Institute
After my first semester at the Marketing Leadership Institute, it’s difficult to describe my experience in just one word; however, one that stands out the most is ‘engaging.’ In saying this, I talk about the vast array of opportunities that are available to MBA students by the Wisconsin School of Business, which are often promoted by the MLI. While some of these events can be courses or networking opportunities often hosted by other departments, the center’s involvement in informing us about these opportunities often makes events like the Lunch and Learns, Applied Learning and seminar classes, and more feel like an outgrowth from the MLI. In addition to this, there is a lot of engagement amongst my classmates, whether it’s in my cohort or with the second years. Upon being accepted into the Wisconsin School of Business, my expectations of the community differed from reality greatly. With fears of it being a competitive cut-throat landscape, I was skeptical of the business environment I would enter into. However, it has been the complete opposite. The support that my peers have given and the bonds that have been formed is a pillar in the growth and progress I have made as an MBA student thus far.
Peer and Professional Mentorship
While each of the connections I have made has been instrumental stepping stones in my professional journey, the peer mentor/mentee relationships that are organized by the MLI have been vital as well. This mentorship program pairs a second-year MLI student with a first-year student and provides an opportunity to learn from another student perspective. As a student, it’s difficult to understand where you are in comparison to other students. Like when did my peers start applying to internships? Am I too late? Am I too early? When should I fill out this application? Am I doing this right? It’s all so overwhelming sometimes. However, my second year MLI peer mentor, Shuting Zheng, has played a huge role in grounding me and mitigating those fears. While our friendship goes back long before the perusement of our MBA, the casual mentor/mentee relationship carries the same level of guidance and expectation that Shuting has for me. This includes other second-year mentors’ willingness to guide first-years as well. With their support, it helps to remind us that we are on the right path, but also drives us to do well and stay on top.
On top of the mentorship program provided by the MLI, the center has also done an amazing job in connecting students with WSB alumni and other seasoned industry professionals. These connections are a great way for us to expand our networks and find other mentorship opportunities. A connection that I have most recently had has been with Tom Schar from Salesforce. Making this connection was great, as it introduced me to someone that was very open and willing to help in my journey and offer advice. What I appreciate about the university’s connections are their passion and willingness to guide current students like myself.
The Networking Landscape
Coming into the MBA program, I didn’t have a business background, so I wasn’t that experienced in the networking scene. However, I am quite social and feel my life experience has aided in my ability to communicate with anyone – ignoring whatever power dynamic that might exist. This has helped me in creating new connections and maximizing the network that the MLI and WSB offers. A piece of advice – trust when I say how welcoming everyone is. You might get those few outliers here and there, but the board members, alums, and Badger community as a whole are fantastic. You can really tell how much they want to help, learn about, and talk to you. There are so many people that are excited about giving back to the next generation of marketing professionals!
My experience at the Marketing Leadership Institute has been incredibly engaging, filled with laughter and support from everyone in the Center. Whether it’s just hanging out, debating the Graduate Business Association Political Election, or finishing projects and assignments, we are a strong community of friends having fun and occasionally “bonding through the trauma”.