Alumni connections have always been one of the key distinguishing factors of the Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) MBA program. On September 20, RMI students had an opportunity to interact with alumnus Luke Frey (MBA ‘14), Senior Associate in Investment Strategy and Risk Management at Adams Street Partners. Contrary to a general perception that RMI students are pigeonholed to the insurance industry, Luke demonstrates through his career progression how RMI professionals can contribute to the success of a variety of organizations. Luke has held positions with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Associated Bank, and currently works for Adams Street partners. Each position was drastically different.
During the discussion, Luke shared insights about his current role and how the skills he acquired through his education have shaped his career. He further underlined the importance of networking, being technologically adept, and choosing a job that aligns with one’s interest. Luke also shared his views on the USA economy, negative interest rates, and various other contemporary issues. Having an opportunity to discuss these issues with industry experts over a casual meeting is immensely valuable and often provides new insights.
We are grateful of alumni such as Luke who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge, and guide students as they prepare for their professional futures.