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Antonio Mello

Antonio Sampaio Mello

Professor | Finance
Frank Graner Distinguished Chair in Finance
5249 Grainger Hall

About Antonio

Antonio Mello is the Frank Graner Distinguished Chair in Finance. His research interests are in corporate finance (risk management, capital structure, and security design), capital markets (arbitrage, manipulation, and crashes), and international finance.

Previosuly, Antonio Mello has taught at MIT-Sloan, Imperial College, London, the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, INSEAD and London Business School.

He was visiting scholar at the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Banco de España.

Mello has held senior positions at commodity hedge fund RiverRock Investors, at investment banks Jefferies, Millennium-BCP and Bankers Trust, at private equity firm Finpro, and was the lead economist at the Central Bank of Portugal.

Mello holds a BSc in civil engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, an MBA and a MA in Industrial Economics and Engineering from Columbia University, and a PhD in Financial Economics from the London Business School, University of London.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Mello, A. & Ma, L. & Wu, Y. (2020). First Mover Advantage, Time to Finance and Cash Holdings Journal of Corporate Finance

Riddiough, T. & Mello, A. & Riddiough, T. (2018). Real Assets, Collateral, and the Limits of Debt Capacity Real Estate Economics

Mello, A. & Liu, X. (2017). The Creditor Channel of Liquidity Crises Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Huh, S. & Lin, H. & Mello, A. (2015). Options Market Makers’ Hedging and Informed Trading: Theory and Evidence Journal of Financial Markets

Mello, A. & Parsons, J. (2013). Margins. Liquidity, and the Cost of Hedging Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Liu, X. & Mello, A. (2011). The Fragile Capital Structure of Hedge Funds and the Limits to Arbitrage Journal of Financial Economics

Mello, A. (2008). A Dynamic Analysis of Growth via Acquisitions Review of Finance

Bhanot, K. & Mello, A. (2006). Should Corporate Debt Include a Rating Trigger? Journal of Financial Economics


(2023) Succession Planning

(2023) Payment in Kind (PIK) Bonds

(2023) Payment in Kind (PIK) Bonds

Graduate Courses

Seminar-Finance PhD (FIN 971), Fall 2002.
Continuation of Finance 970.

Multinational Business Finance (BUS/INT 745), Fall 2013.

Corporate Finance Decisions (FIN 727), Spring 2007.
Theory and practice of corporation finance: financial security contracts; security issuance; capital structure; dividend policy; cost of capital; financial risk management; mergers, acquisitions, and financial restructuring.

Valuation and Corporate Investment Decisions (FIN 726), Spring 2007.
Theory and practice of financial valuation for investment decisions: present value, modeling cash flows, hurdle rates, financial multiples, valuing private firms, real options.

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