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Page Moreau

Page Moreau

Associate Dean for Research | Wisconsin School of Business
Professor | Marketing
John R. Nevin Chair in Marketing
4335 Grainger Hall

Tapping Creativity to Solve Problems

Page Moreau | Leveraging the Power of Creativity in Business | Wisconsin School of Business

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About Page

Page Moreau is the John R. Nevin Chair in Marketing at the Wisconsin School of Business. She received a Ph.D. in marketing from Columbia University in 1998. Her research focuses on creativity, consumer learning, and innovation.

Professor Moreau’s work has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. She is currently an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Hoffman, D. & Moreau, P. & Stremersch, S. & Wedel, M. (2022). The Rise of New Technologies in Marketing: A Framework and Outlook Journal of Marketing

van Heerde, H. & Moorman, C. & Moreau, P. & Pamatier, R. (2021). Reality Check: Infusing Ecological Value into Academic Marketing Research Journal of Marketing

Moreau, P. (2020). Customization in Luxury Brands: Can Valentino Get Personal? Journal of Marketing Research

Moreau, P. (2020). Brand Building on the Doorstep:The Importance of the First (Physical) Impression Journal of Retailing

Moorman, C. & van Heerde, H. & Moreau, P. & Pamatier , R. (2019). Challenging the Boundaries of Marketing Journal of Marketing

Moorman, C. & van Heerde, H. & Moreau, P. & Pamatier, R. (2019). JM as a Marketplace of Ideas Journal of Marketing

Moreau, P. & Marit. (2016). The Downstream Consequences of Problem Solving Mindsets: How Playing with Legos Influences Creativity Journal of Marketing Research

Moreau, P. (2013). Innovation Aesthetics: The Relationship between Category Cues, Categorization Certainty and Newness Perceptions Journal of Product Innovation Management

Moreau, P. (2011). Inviting the Amateurs into the Studio: Understanding How Consumer Engagement in Product Design Creates Value Journal of Product Innovation Management

Moreau, P. & Bonney, L. & Herd, K. (2011). It’s the Thought (and the Effort) That Counts: How Customizing for Others Differs from Customizing for Oneself Journal of Marketing

Burroughs, J. & Dahl, D. & Moreau, P. & Chattopadhayay, A. & Gorn, G. (2011). Facilitating and Rewarding Creativity During New Product Development Journal of Marketing

Goode, M. & Dahl, D. & Moreau, P. (2010). The Effect of Experiential Analogies on Consumer Perceptions and Attitudes Journal of Marketing Research

Moreau, P. & Herd, K. (2010). To Each His Own? How Comparisons to Others Influence Consumers’ Evaluations of their Self-Designed Products Journal of Consumer Research

Moreau, P. & Dahl, D. (2009). Constraints and Consumer Creativity Tools for Innovation, Arthur M. Markman and Kristin L. Wood, (Eds.)

Burroughs, J. & Moreau, P. & Mick, D. (2008). Toward a Psychology of Consumer Creativity Handbook of Consumer Psychology, C. Haugtvedt, P. Herr, and F. Kardes (Eds.)

Dahl, D. & Moreau, P. (2007). Thinking Inside the Box: Why Consumers Enjoy Constrained Creative Experiences Journal of Marketing Research

Wood, S. & Moreau, P. (2006). From Fear to Loathing? How Emotion Influences the Evaluation and Early Use of Innovations Journal of Marketing

Moreau, P. & Dahl, D. (2005). Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity Journal of Consumer Research

Soman, D. & Ainslie, G. & Frederick, S. & Li, X. & Lynch, J. & Moreau, P. & Mitchell, A. & Read, D. & Sawyer, A. & Trope, Y. & Wertenbroch, K. & Zauberman, G. (2005). The Psychology of Intertemporal Discounting: Why are Distant Events Valued Differently from Proximal Ones? Marketing Letters

Johar, G. & Moreau, P. & Schwarz, N. (2003). Gender Typed Advertisements and Impression Formation: The Role of Chronic and Temporary Accessibility Journal of Consumer Psychology

Gregan-Paxton, J. & Moreau, P. (2003). How Do Consumers Transfer Existing Knowledge? A Comparison of Analogy and Categorization Effects Journal of Consumer Psychology

Dahl, D. & Moreau, P. (2002). The Influence and Value of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation Journal of Marketing Research

Moreau, P. & Markman, A. & Lehmann, D. (2001). What Is It? Categorization Flexibility and Consumers’ Responses to Really New Products Journal of Consumer Research

Moreau, P. (2001). Entrenched Knowledge Structures and Consumer Response to New Products Journal of Marketing Research

Markman, A. & Moreau, P. (2000). Analogy and Analogical Comparison in Choice Analogy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, D. Gentner, K. Holyoak and Kokinov (Eds.)

Markman, A. & Zhang, S. & Moreau, P. (1999). Representation and the Construction of Preferences Cognitive Dynamics, E. Dietrich and A.B. Markman (Eds.)


(2011) Identity Representation in Customization

(2011) Identity Representation in Customization

50th Anniversary Conference (2011) Design and Creativity: Innovation for Growth

(2011) Identity Representation in Customization

(2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

Association for Consumer Research Conference (2010) Designing Memories

Association for Consumer Research Conference (2010) Innovation Aesthetics: The Relationship between Category Cutes, Categorization Certainty and Newness Perceptions

Association for Consumer Research Conference (2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

(2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

(2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

(2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

(2010) One for You or One for Me? How the Intended Gift Recipient Influences Product Evaluations

Association for Consumer Research Conference (2009) To Each His Own? How Comparisons to Others Influences Consumers’ Evaluations of their Self-Designed Products

La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior (2009) Customization in Context

Marketing Science Institute Conference: Customer Insights for Innovation (2009) Customization in Context

(2009) Customization in Context

Marketing and Operations Innovation Conference (2009) In Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? Understanding the Factors Influencing Consumer Self-Design

(2008) Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? Understanding the Factors Influencing Consumer Self-Design

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2008) Innovating with Consumers

Renssaelear Conference on Innovation and New Products (2008) Consumers and Innovation

(2008) Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? Understanding the Factors Influencing Consumer Self-Design

(2008) Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder? Understanding the Factors Influencing Consumer Self-Design

Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (2008) The Influence of Extrinsic Rewards and Training on Creative New Product Design

Design Conference (2007) Is This Product Really New? The Importance of Category Identification in the Perceived Newness of New-to-Market Products

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2007) Consumer Innovation

Tools for Innovation Workshop (2006) Constraints as an Innovation Tool

(2006) Constraints, Motivation, and Creativity

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2006) Conceptional Combinations in Marketing

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2006) Thinking Inside the Box: Why Consumers Enjoy Constrained Creative Experiences

5th Annual Doctoral Symposium, Association for Consumer Research Conference (2004) Creativity

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2004) Building Evolutionary Bridges for Revolutionary Products

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2004) From Fear to Loathing? The Influence of Product Usage on Consumers’ Emotional and Cognitive Responses to New Products

INFORMS Conference (2004) Manufacturing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

(2004) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

(2004) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

(2004) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2003) Manufacturing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

Marketing Science Institute Conference: New Approaches for New Products (2003) Designing New Products with an Eye for How Consumers Evaluate Them

(2003) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

(2003) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

Marketing Research Institute’s Young Scholars’ Conference (2003) Designing the Solution: The Influence of Constraints on Consumer Creativity

Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (2003) Influence of Negative Emotions on the New Product Adoption Process

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2002) The Contrasting Effects of Categorization and Analogy on Consumer Learning

Marketing Science Conference (2002) Promoting Creativity: The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Rewards, and Visualization

University of Southern California Marketing Camp (2002) From Elation to Frustration: The Influence of Emotions on New Product Adoption

(2001) The Influence of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation

(2001) The Influence of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation

(2001) The Influence of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation

(2001) The Influence of Analogical Thinking During New Product Ideation

Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (2001) Emotional Reactions to New Products: Their Influence on Preferences Over Time

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (2000) Systematicity in Analogical Inference: Implications for New Product Learning

Texas Marketing Consortium Conference (2000) The Role of Analogical Transfer in New Product Design

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (1999) One Vs. Many: The Use of Analogies in Processing Really New Products

Society for Consumer Psychology Advertising Conference (1999) The USe of Sterotypical Aids on Consumers’ Judgments of Strangers

Proctor & Gamble Headquarters (1998) Entrenched Cognitive Structures and Resistance to Really New Products

Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (1998) Unanticipated Effects: Ads as Primes of Sterotypes

Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (1995) The Manufacturer-Retailer-Consumer Triad: Differing Perceptions Regarding Prices Promotions

Professional Organizations

Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Task Force on Planning for Growth

Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Advisory Council

Association for Consumer Research (ACR), North American Conference

Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Program Committee Member

Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Program Committee Member

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Journal of Consumer Research – Since January 2011
Associate Editor

Journal of Marketing – Since January 2011
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Consumer Psychology – Since January 2010
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Marketing Research – Since January 2008
Editorial Board Member

International Journal of Research in Marketing – Since January 2006
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Marketing – January 2005 – December 2006
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Product Innovation Management – Since January 2004
Editorial Board Member

Journal of Consumer Research – Since January 2003
Editorial Board Member

On leadership

“You can't build a culture around creativity unless you separate that creative group. Either the whole company needs to have that culture, or that culture needs to be protected over in a different space.”

Page Moreau

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