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Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch: Joe Boucher

Wednesday, April 9 | 12:15pm 1:00pm

Joe Boucher, a founding shareholder of the Madison law firm of Neider & Boucher, S.C. and donor for our Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunches

Come join us to meet Joe Boucher, a founding shareholder of the Madison law firm of Neider & Boucher. The law practice provides client-centered, quality legal services focused on the needs of businesses and their owners and builds strong client relationships. Joe received a B.A. from St. Norbert College and his JD and MBA from UW. He taught in the Wisconsin School of Business for over 40 years and is a CPA. Pizza will be served.

This free event will be held in 4151 Grainger Hall.

The Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch program is sponsored by the law firm of Neider & Boucher, S.C. We thank them for their support!