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Event Series MBA Application Webinar

MBA Application Webinar

Join the admissions team for an informative chat/webinar series designed to familiarize you with the admissions process for the Wisconsin MBA programs, and provide guidance on how to produce a competitive application. This is a virtual event.

Black in the Boardroom Alumni Panel

The number of Black individuals represented in upper management/leadership at the corporate level in business is still significantly low, according to the Harvard Business Review. One of the key issues that hinders Black progress in leadership is gaining an introduction to the board. At the Wisconsin School of Business, our MBA programs strive to support…

Women’s Alumni Panel

Women make up a small proportion of the workforce in male dominated industries and are never able to catch up to the rate of male promotions. While there has been a steady increase of women entering male-dominated fields they continue to face challenges. Historically, women have been pigeonholed into lower paying and service-based fields associated with…

Event Series MBA Application Webinar

MBA Application Webinar

Join the admissions team for an informative chat/webinar series designed to familiarize you with the admissions process for the Wisconsin MBA programs, and provide guidance on how to produce a competitive application. This is a virtual event.

Forté Forum

Forté MBA Forums are free events held annually to empower women — whether you're looking to change careers, a college student planning for the future, or a professional ready for career advancement. The ROI of an MBA degree is not just financial. When more women earn MBAs, they open new doors for themselves, level up their careers,…

Discover Madison Webinar

Join us for an event dedicated to exploring the vibrant city of Madison, Wisconsin. Whether you're new to the area or a lifelong resident, this session will provide insights into Madison's history, culture and exciting opportunities within the city. Learn about local insights, cultural connections, history and community engagement from Destination Madison. Hear from the…