Two faculty members of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems at the Wisconsin School of Business have received top awards for excellence in research and education from the American Accounting Association (AAA).

Emily Griffith, assistant professor and the Cynthia and Jay Ihlenfeld Professor for Inspired Learning in Business, is the winner of the 2019 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award for the paper “Audits of Complex Estimates as Verification of Management Numbers: How Institutional Pressures Shape Practice,” published by Contemporary Accounting Research, Fall 2015. Griffith shares the honor with co-authors Jacqueline S. Hammersly (BBA ’86) of the University of Georgia and Kathryn Kadous of Emory University. The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award recognizes and encourages research relevant to accounting as a professional practice.
Tom Linsmeier, professor and the Thomas G. Ragatz Accounting and Law Distinguished Chair, is a recipient of the 2019 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. According to the AAA release, the designation is sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation and is awarded to educators “who have made sustained and substantive contributions, including educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students, and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities.”

Linsmeier is the second WSB accounting faculty member to win the AAA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. Jerry Weygandt, WSB Arthur Andersen Alumni Emeritus Professor of Accounting, received the award in 2001.
“We are very proud of Emily and Tom’s recognition in these awards. The AAA is the premier association of accounting academics and these two prestigious awards represent significant recognition,” says Terry Warfield, chair of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, PwC Professor in Accounting, and the Richard J. Johnson Chair of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems.
“In Tom’s case, his sustained and substantive contributions to research, teaching, and the profession are the very reasons we sought him to join our faculty in 2016. For Emily, the Wildman Award validates her standing as an emerging leading scholar in the domain of auditor judgment about complex estimates.”
Both Griffith and Linsmeier will be presented with their awards at AAA’s annual meeting in San Francisco in August.