What is it?
Suitable is a new App tailored to your Business Badger Experience! You’ll be able to track your engagement with general WSB events, leadership opportunities, and career pathways to ensure you are on track for success at the business school and beyond!
- Complete achievements like Business Badger Badges
- Follow your Career Forward pathway to reach your internship and job related goals
- Stay informed about All WSB Events events to maximize your Business Badger Experience
Register now:
- Download the Suitable app from your iOS or Android app store (or go to app.suitable.co)
- Enter your student email address netID@wisc.edu
- Press continue and login
- You must use your netID@wisc.edu student email to login
- You must give the Suitable app access to your camera to scan event codes
- Scan these QR codes to be taken directly to your app store
How to Use Suitable:
There are 3 platforms within the suitable app to help you stay organized and track your co-curricular experiences.
All WSB Events
This platform could be considered the “general calendar” for School of Business events geared towards undergraduates. Here are some navigation tips:
- Click on Activities in the menu on the left
- Use the Competencies filter to sort through types of upcoming events
- NOTE: Some events listed are not open to everyone (e.g. “Business Connect”), so pay close attention to the descriptions of events.
Business Badger Badges
This platform will track all your leadership development activities that count towards one of our Business Badger Badges. Here are some navigation tips:
- Click on Achievements in the menu on the left to see all badge options
- Click on each badge (Personal Leadership Styles, Group Dynamics, Inclusive Leadership, Leading for Change) to see badge details and requirements.
- Use each badge to navigate upcoming workshops & events so you can make your plans to complete any/all the badges you’d like!
- Complete the badges to help you stand out among your peers and articulate your leadership skills to potential employers.
- There is no set timeframe for completion – the app will save your progress from semester to semester.
Career Forward
This platform* will help you explore various career paths for each major so you can find your dream job and complete the steps necessary to set you up for success!
• Click on Achievements in the menu on the left to see all Career Pathway options
• Think of these pathways as specialized roadmaps to career success – the goal isn’t to complete them all, but rather to find a few pathways that interest you the most and follow those roadmaps during your entire Business Badger Experience.
• Explore– your strengths and passions to find the right pathway for you
• Prepare– follow the advice in the pathway to make sure you stay on track
• Recruit– complete the steps you need to secure the internship(s) and job of your dreams
• Transition– enhance the skills necessary to succeed in your first job and beyond
*Note: This platform is only available to enrolled BBA students
Submit WSB event to Suitable: https://buswisc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Ol3u5VzEpxxm9E
Submit Student Org event to Suitable: https://buswisc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4UcJXK3MGEiL7bE