Drop-in Tutoring:
We continue to offer drop-in tutoring for courses from Algebra through Calculus. There is some tutoring hours for Math 240 as well. The lab is staffed by undergraduates and Math TAs. Students can access the drop-in tutoring by self-enrolling in the Math Learning Center Canvas site. This semester we have split the labs depending on the course students are taking, for the most up to date schedule and direct links to the sessions click this link. Additionally, students can pose questions on Piazza for their course and tutors will answer the questions during open lab hours.
Small Group Tutoring:
We are offering small group tutoring to anyone who taking Math 113, 114, 211, 213, 217, 221, 222, and 234 and is interested. Students do not need to fill out an application to be part of the small group tutoring. In the small group tutoring students will work on supplemental problems to gain a deeper understanding of the topics. The small groups are staffed by Frank, Oumar, and Math TAs. Please encourage your students that are interested to attend on a regular basis for the most benefit. Students that are interested should self-enroll in the Tutoring Canvas site for their course. The links are provided in this table.
Proof Table:
New this semester the MLC will be offering a space for students in proof based math courses to get together and discuss math. The Proof Table will be monitored by a Math TA or undergraduate math major. Groups of students can join the BBCU session and get put into a breakout room to talk about what they are working on. In the breakout rooms the students have the ability to share a whiteboard or documents. If the students struggling the TA or undergraduate may be able to help depending on what class they are working. The proof table will be open from 4 – 8:30 pm Sunday through Thursday. Students can access the Proof Table in the Math Learning Center Canvas Page.
Math Learning Center Canvas Site:
The MLC Canvas site contains many great resources for students. For students that need a quick brush up on specific topics for Algebra and Calculus there are Boosters to Start your Course. There is a Study Skills Workshop (available the first week of February), the workshop focuses on study skills for success in mathematics courses. Search for Teammates in Piazza will help group students together in that want to work in groups. Last, there is a list of the other Tutoring Resources offered by the Math department and other places around campus.