A sample of UW-Madison students will soon receive an invitation to participate in the National College Health Assessment. This invitation will come from ncha-web@acha.org on Monday, March 15th. If you receive this invitation, it is very important that you complete the survey!
How we plan to use results at UW-Madison:
- Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our students’ health and well-being
- Implementing or improving health programs and services based on student need
- Understanding the experiences of historically marginalized groups on campus and working within University Health Servcies and with campus partners to address changes that need to be made
How the survey has influenced UW System policy
- UW System implemented Cultural Competency Training in response to data showing high rates of mental health symptoms reported by students of color, LGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, and other marginalized groups and other data showing that one barrier to help-seeking among these groups is not feeling their unique circumstances and identities are represented and/or understood.
- President Thompson has proposted $10M in new funding for behavioral health in the 2021-2023 budget proposal that is currently being considered by the state legislature – the largest portion is focused on increasing counseling and psychiatry staffing, and diversifying staffing, based on the trends noted in NCHA survey data and campus health and counseling centers.
If you have any questions about this assessment, please reach out to Courtney Blomme, Associate Director of Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment at Courtney.blomme@wisc.edu.