Summer 2020
Greetings Alumni and Friends of the Weinert Center,
This summer’s newsletter is very representative of what many of us faced this summer. A combination of the standard summer activities that change little from year to year combined with a set of new ones and dramatic adjustments to our life that we could have hardly imagined just a few months ago. We have some great stories regarding our students and alumni that are starting innovative new ventures, an activity that continues under all environments. We also talk about some of our ongoing offerings such as the Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch, the StartUp Learning Community and Morgridge Entrepreneurial Bootcamp (MEB) that continue but have pivoted to new hybrid/virtual delivery models. We also are fortunate to have our Board Member and Alumni Spotlight with individuals who can share their expert perspective regarding the impact on venture capital and consulting.
It is interesting to reflect on how the entrepreneurial skills our students learn may be more valuable than ever as we all face this high level of uncertainty and ever-changing environment. Delivering this impactful learning has required a great deal of creativity in the classroom, the applied projects, and the inspiring speakers. We would not have been able to deliver these high-quality educational experiences without our many supporters and alumni.
Thank you and stay safe!
Dan Olszewski
Director, Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship
Wisconsin School of Business
Highlights from our Blog
Eship Undergrad Develops DELU™
JT Nejedlo develops a fun indoor/outdoor tailgate game
UW Alums ‘Lock Up’ Best in Category at Governors Business Plan Contest
Behind the scenes look in the contest
MEB 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we offered distance learning through MEB Webinars
Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch
Students engage and connect with our distinguished entrepreneurs
StartUp Learning Community
Starting the year six feet apart
Board Member News
Dan Reed and his American Family Ventures team helps to weather the storm in venture capital
Alumni Spotlight
Oliver Richards of The Beacon Group discusses the change in the time of Coronavirus
Please visit the Weinert Center blog for alumni updates, recent news and more!
Center Support
Thank you for supporting Entrepreneurship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Alumni News
Stay connected with former classmates.
Board Member News
Learn more about our distinguished board members.
Student News
Be inspired by our entrepreneurial students.
Faculty/Staff News
Thought leaders in entrepreneurship making a difference.
Initiative for Studies in Transformational Entrepreneurship (INSITE) News
Fosters entrepreneurship research and programs on campus and in the community.
Business & Entrepreneurship Clinic News
Students fuse academics and practice by assisting faculty entrepreneurs and area businesses.
Attend or revisit Weinert Center events.
Wisconsin School of Business
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
+1 608-263-2882