Winter 2020
Greetings Alumni and Friends of the Weinert Center,
One of the topics we often discuss is how having an entrepreneurial mindset is really a life skill in today’s economy. The ability to handle uncertainty, recognize problems, develop creative solutions and run experiments to de-risk your idea are all skills that are just as important if you are working for a large firm or starting your own. Building these skills in our students is done both in the classroom and across a range of other activities.
This newsletter has some great stories on some of these activities. It also profiles our newest advisory board member and a recent alumna who are both wonderful examples of using entrepreneurial skills in both big and small organizations.
Dan Olszewski
Director, Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship
Wisconsin School of Business
Highlights from our Blog
Takeaways from the Fellowship Seminar
Personal reflection on the fellowship class and the experience gained
Students Engage Weekly with Entrepreneurs
A variety of entrepreneurs keep students engaged and informed
Behind the Scene Tour of WID
Fellowship students tour the Discovery Building
Improving the Prevalence and Success of Student Entrepreneurship
Jon was invited to present his research at an international conference
StartUp Learning Community
Social entrepreneurship is the focus this semester
Board Member Spotlight: John Hevey
John Hevey joins the WAVE Advisory Board
Alumni Spotlight: Jean Spellman
The importance of storytelling when launching a new brand and products
Please visit the Weinert Center blog for alumni updates, recent news and more!
Center Support
Thank you for supporting Entrepreneurship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Alumni News
Stay connected with former classmates.
Board Member News
Learn more about our distinguished board members.
Student News
Be inspired by our entrepreneurial students.
Faculty/Staff News
Thought leaders in entrepreneurship making a difference.
Initiative for Studies in Transformational Entrepreneurship (INSITE) News
Fosters entrepreneurship research and programs on campus and in the community.
Business & Entrepreneurship Clinic News
Students fuse academics and practice by assisting faculty entrepreneurs and area businesses.
Attend or revisit Weinert Center events.
Wisconsin School of Business
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
+1 608-263-2882