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Bob Batt

Bob Batt

Procter & Gamble - Bascom Professor
5287 Grainger Hall

Driving Operational Excellence in Health Care with Service Operations Insights

Bob Batt | Improving Health Care Operations and Outcomes | Wisconsin School of Business

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About Bob

Bob Batt is the Procter & Gamble - Bascom Professor and an Associate Professor in the Department of Operations and Information Management at the Wisconsin School of Business. He also holds an affiliate appointment with the Department of Emergency Medicine in the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.

Professor Batt’s research is in service operations with an emphasis on healthcare delivery operations. His research has been published in academic journals such as Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, the Annals of Emergency Medicine, and Academic Emergency Medicine. He serves as Department Editor for Healthcare Management Science, and as Associate/Senior Editor for Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. He is also a reviewer for several journals, including Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management Journal. Professor Batt is coauthor of the book “Modeling for Insight: A Master Class for Business Analysts” which provides analytics modeling strategies and techniques for ill-structured business problems.

Professor Batt received his PhD from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2013. He also holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College as well as engineering degrees from Dartmouth College and Wheaton College. Professor Batt teaches Service Operations Management to both undergraduate and MBA students at the Wisconsin School of Business. He has previously taught Data Mining and Spreadsheet Modeling at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Soltani, S. & Batt, R. & Bavafa, H. & Patterson, B. (2022). Does What Happens in the ED Stay in the ED? The Effects of Emergency Department Physician Workload on Post-ED Care Use Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Green, R. & Shah, M. & Clark, L. & Batt, R. & Chin, N. & Patterson, B. (2022). Comparing emergency department use among individuals with varying levels of cognitive impairment BMC Geriatrics

Meng, L. & Batt, R. & Terwiesch, C. (2021). The Impact of Facility Layout on Service Worker Behavior: An Empirical Study of Nurses in the Emergency Department Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Batt, R. & Tong, J. (2020). Mean Service Metrics: Biased Quality Judgment and the Customer-Server Quality Gap Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Pulia, M. & Hekman, D. & Glazer, J. & Barclay-Buchanan, C. & Kuehnel, N. & Ross, J. & Sharp, B. & Batt, R. & Patterson, B. (2020). Electronic Health Record Based Surveillance for Community Transmitted COVID-19 in the Emergency Department Western Journal of Emergency Medicine

Schnapp, B. & Flemming, E. & Kraut, A. & Westergaard, M. & Batt, R. & Patterson, B. (2020). Maggots, Mucous and Monkey Meat: Does Disgust Sensitivity Affect Case Mix Seen During Residency? Western Journal of Emergency Medicine

Batt, R. & Gallino, S. (2019). Finding a Needle in a Haystack: The Effects of Searching and Learning on Pick-Worker Performance Management Science

Batt, R. & KC, D. & Staats, B. & Patterson, B. (2019). The Effect of Discrete Work Shifts on a Nonterminating Service System Production and Operations Management

Patterson, B. & Repplinger, M. & Pulia, M. & Batt, R. & Svenson, J. & Trinh, A. & Mendonca, E. & Smith, M. & Hamedani, A. & Shah, M. (2018). Using the Hendrich II Inpatient Fall Risk Screen to Predict Outpatient Falls after ED Visits Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Batt, R. & Terwiesch, C. (2017). Early Task Initiation and Other Load-adaptive Mechanisms in the Emergency Department Management Science

Gorsky, J. & Batt, R. & Otles, E. & Shah, M. & Hamedani, A. & Patterson, B. (2017). The Impact of Emergency Department Census on the Decision to Admit Academic Emergency Medicine

Patterson, B. & Batt, R. & Wilbanks, M. & Otles, E. & Westergaard, M. & Shah, M. (2016). Cherry Picking Patients: Examining the Interval Between Patient Rooming and Resident Self Assignment Academic Emergency Medicine

Batt, R. & Terwiesch, C. (2015). Waiting Patiently: An Empirical Study of Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department Management Science

Lucas, J. & Batt, R. & Soremekun, O. (2014). Setting wait times to achieve targeted left without being seen rates The American Journal of Emergency Medicine

Batt, R. & Pines, J. & Hilton, J. & Terwiesch, C. (2011). The Financial Consequences of Lost Demand and Reducing Boarding in Hospital Emergency Departments Annals of Emergency Medicine

Soltani, S. & Batt, R. & Bavafa, H. Quality Improvement Spillovers: Evidence from the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Management Science

Working Papers

Batt, R. & Gallino, S. (2024). Multitasking over Time: The Time-dependent Effects of Multitasking

Practitioner-Oriented Publications

Powell, S. & Batt, R. (2008). Modeling for Insight: A Master Class for Business Analysts


INFORMS 2015 Annual meeting (2015) The Disposition Decision: Handoffs and End-of-shift Effects in an Emergency Department

INFORMS Healthcare Conference (2015) Discrete Work-Shifts in a Continuous World: An Empirical Study of Emergency Physician Productivity

Manufacturing & Services Operations Management Conference (2015) Discrete Work-Shifts in a Continuous World: An Empirical Study of Emergency Physician Productivity

POMS 2015 Annual meeting (2015) The Disposition Decision: Handoffs and End-of-Shift Effects in an Emergency Department

ASRMI Department Seminar (2014) Doctors Under Load

INFORMS 2014 Annual meeting (2014) Discrete Workshifts in a Continuous World

INFORMS 2014 Annual meeting (2014) The Disposition Decision: End-of-Shift Effects in an Emergency Department

POMS 2014 Annual meeting (2014) The Disposition Decision: End-of-Shift Effects in an Emergency Department

POMS 2014 Annual Meeting (2014) Doctors Under Load

Invited Seminar (2013) Emprical Studies in Emergency Department Operations

INFORMS Annual Conference (2013) Waiting Patiently: Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department

MSOM Conference (2013) Waiting Patiently: Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department

INFORMS Healthcare Conference (2013) Waiting Patiently: Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department

POMS (2013) Doctors Under Load: State-dependent Service Times in an Emergency Department

POMS (2013) Waiting Patiently: Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department

INFORMS (2012) Doctors Under Load: State-dependent Service Times in an Emergency Department

INFORMS (2012) Waiting Patiently: Queue Abandonment in an Emergency Department

Wharton Empirical Operations Management Workshop (2012) Doctors Under Load: State-dependent Service Times in an Emergency Department

MSOM Healthcare SIG (2012) Doctors Under Load: State-dependent Service Times in an Emergency Department

INFORMS (2011) Doctors Under Load: State-dependent Service Times in an Emergency Department

POMS (2011) The Financial Consequences of Lost Demand in the Emergency Department

Undergraduate Courses

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2015. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2015.
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OIM 451), Fall 2017. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OIM 451), Fall 2017. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2023. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2024.
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Spring 2014. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, t

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Spring 2014.
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, t

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2014. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OTM 451), Fall 2014.
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Graduate Courses

Service Operations Management (OTM 751), Fall 2015. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OIM 751), Fall 2017. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Service Operations Management (OTM 751), Fall 2019. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management. Enroll Info: None

Service Operations Management (OTM 751), Fall 2023. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 751), Fall 2024.
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems, location and layout, operations planning and control, yield management, technology and information systems, and service quality management.

Service Operations Management (OTM 751), Fall 2014. Download Syllabus
Application of operations management principles to the analysis of service-delivery systems in profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include designing service-delivery systems,location and layout,operations planning and control,yield management,t

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Management Science – Since January 2020
Associate Editor

Production & Operations Management Journal – Since January 2020
Associate Editor

Healthcare Management Science – January 2019 – December 2020
Associate Editor

Academic Emergency Medicine – Since January 2016
Ad Hoc Reviewer

European Journal of Operations Research – Since January 2016
Ad Hoc Reviewer

IIE Transactions on Health Systems Engineering – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Management Science – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Manufacturing & Services Operations Management (MSOM) – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Production & Operations Management Journal – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Operations Research – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Academic Emergency Medicine – January 2015 – December 2015
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Management Science – January 2014 – December 2014
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Production & Operations Management Journal


Management Science

Operations Research

Production & Operations Management Journal

Manufacturing & Services Operations Management (MSOM)

Production & Operations Management Journal

Operations Research

Manufacturing & Services Operations Management (MSOM)

Management Science

Popular Media

  • Harvard Business Review.
  • Supply Chain Management Review.
  • The Wall Street Journal (2008).
  • LaCrosse Tribune (2014).
  • La Crosse Tribune (2014).

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