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Nicholas Petruzzi

Nicholas C Petruzzi

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff | Wisconsin School of Business
Michael E. Lehman Distinguished Chair in Business
4341 Grainger Hall

About Nicholas

Nicholas C. Petruzzi joined the Wisconsin School of Business in December 2021 as a Professor in the Department of Operations and Information Management.

Professor Petruzzi’s research explores the economic implications of uncertainty within the primary focus areas of operations and supply chain management, pricing, and stochastic inventory theory. His work appears in various academic field journals including Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operations Research, and International Journal of Production Economics.

Prior to joining the Wisconsin School of Business, Professor Petruzzi served as both a professor and the department chair in Supply Chain & Information Systems at Pennsylvania State University. Previously, he spent nineteen years as a member of the faculty in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Professor Petruzzi has developed and taught courses primarily at the MBA level in operations analysis, project management, manufacturing planning and control, and the design and management of service systems. Currently, he is serving as Associate Editor for Management Science, as Department Editor for Decision Sciences, and as a member of the Editorial Board for Production and Operations Management. Previously, he served as Associate Editor for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

Professor Petruzzi earned his Ph.D. in Operations Management from Purdue University.

Selected Published Journal Articles

Shi, T. & Petruzzi, N. & Chhajed, D. (2022). The effects of patent extension and take-back regulation on green pharmacy Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Xu, L. & Zhao, H. & Petruzzi, N. (2021). Inducing compliance with post-market studies for drugs under FDA’s accelerated approval pathway Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Shi, H. & Liu, Y. & Petruzzi, N. (2019). Informative advertising in a distribution channel European Journal of Operational Research

Murali, K. & Lim, M. & Petruzzi, N. (2019). The effects of ecolabels and environmental regulation on green product development Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Liu, Y. & Shi, H. & Petruzzi, N. (2018). Optimal quality and quantity provisions for centralized vs. decentralized distribution: Market size uncertainty effects European Journal of Operational Research

Li, M. & Petruzzi, N. & Zhang, J. (2017). Overconfident competing newsvendors Management Science

Li, M. & Petruzzi, N. (2017). Technical note – Demand uncertainty reduction in decentralized supply chains Production and Operations Management

Shi, T. & Gu, W. & Chhajed, D. & Petruzzi, N. (2016). Effects of remanufacturable product design on market segmentation and the environment Decision Sciences

Murali, K. & Lim, M. & Petruzzi, N. (2015). Municipal groundwater management: Optimal allocation and control of a renewable natural resource Production and Operations Management

Gu, W. & Chhajed, D. & Petruzzi, N. & Yalabik, B. (2015). Quality design and environmental implications of green consumerism in remanufacturing International Journal of Production Economics

Yalabik, B. & Chhajed, D. & Petruzzi, N. (2014). Product and sales contract design in remanufacturing International Journal of Production Economics

Shi, H. & Liu, Y. & Petruzzi, N. (2013). Consumer heterogeneity, product quality, and distribution channels Management Science

Petruzzi, N. & Dada, M. (2011). Newsvendor models Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science

Petruzzi, N. & Wee, K. & Dada, M. (2009). The newsvendor model with consumer search costs Production and Operations Management

Liu, B. & Petruzzi, N. & Sudharshan, D. (2007). A service effort allocation model for assessing customer lifetime value in service marketing Journal of Services Marketing

Wu, C. & Petruzzi, N. & Chhajed, D. (2007). Vertical integration with price-setting competitive newsvendors Decision Sciences

Dada, M. & Petruzzi, N. & Schwarz, L. (2007). A newsvendor’s procurement problem when suppliers are unreliable Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Yalabik, B. & Petruzzi, N. & Chhajed, D. (2005). An integrated product returns model with logistics and marketing coordination European Journal of Operational Research

Monahan, G. & Petruzzi, N. & Zhao, W. (2004). The dynamic pricing problem from a newsvendor’s perspective Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Petruzzi, N. & Monahan, G. (2003). Managing fashion goods inventories: dynamic recourse for retailers with outlet stores IIE Transactions

Petruzzi, N. & Dada, M. (2002). Dynamic pricing and inventory control with learning Naval Research Logistics

Petruzzi, N. & Dada, M. (2001). Information and inventory recourse for a two-market, price-setting retailer Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Dana, Jr., J. & Petruzzi, N. (2001). Note: The newsvendor model with endogenous demand Management Science

Petruzzi, N. & Dada, M. (1999). Pricing and the newsvendor problem: A review with extensions Operations Research

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Production and Operations Management – Since August 2023
Department Editor (Sustainable Operations)

Decision Sciences – January 2018 – December 2023
Department Editor

Production and Operations Management – January 2015 – December 2023
Editorial Board Member

Management Science – Since January 2009
Associate Editor

Decision Sciences – January 2007 – December 2017
Associate Editor

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management – January 2007 – December 2014
Associate Editor

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